Socials Ignited: A free plugin

We have just refreshed out free Socials Ignited plugin. With Socials Ignited you can easily create colorful icon links to all your social profiles with a simple and flexible widget.
What’s new
The new version of the plugin brings the supported Font Awesome version to v5.15.3 and also brings a Customizer tab with a hand picked selection of the most popular social networks for you to pick from, of course you can still manually create the icon groups and use any of the 1500+ icons provided by FontAwesome.
Under the hood
Behind the scenes we have updated the widget to work properly in the Customizer, streamlined the plugin’s assets, clean up the code, improved security and more.
As always, the plugin is free and available in the WordPress plugin directory, grab your copy today using the link below.
31 responses to “Socials Ignited: A free plugin”
El pluging esta OK. muchas gracias. por el todo poderoso Helen, por supuesto,
I really like this widget, but there is one thing: it doesn’t use css sprites, which slows down the performance of the website =/
Are you making an update?
Hi Ben,
thanks for your feedback.
Actually, we don’t plan on using sprites, as it would make the plugin virtually impossible for beginners to customize.
Also, usually only 2-4 icons are used by most users (plus they are pretty small and cachable) so it wouldn’t provide a significant increase in performance.
Hope this isn’t too much of a turn-off :)
Love the convenience of this widget! Any plans to add Goodreads to the list as well?
Is there a shortcode to put the widget wherever I want?
Unfortunately a shortcode isn’t provided.
We may consider adding one in the future though.
Until then, you can probably get the results you want by using a plugin, such as amr shortcode any widget or something similar.
Hope this helps.
This plugin is pretty good, but am unable to increase the size after changing the size it still comes very small and i want it a little bigger. Kindly help me
Hi there,
are you using the latest version?
Also, is there a URL I could take a look at? Most probably there is some external CSS interfering.
it is still hosted in my localhost, but i downloaded the plugin yesterday so i guess is the latest version. But am using one of your theme called penelope which i have modify with you help. its just that the icon size is too small, if there is a way i could send you a snapshot of it.
Actually, I’ll need to look at the generated html/css code in order to determine the exact cause (and solution). Unfortunately a screenshot won’t just do it.
Let’s try to find out a few things though…
1) Are you using the Font widget? or the depracated (image) one?
2) Does changing the icon size from within the widget has any effect whatsoever?
3) Have you tried disabling you plugins (except socials ignited of course) and enabling them one-by-one? If not, please do so, as some plugin’s CSS might be interfering with the widget.
I’m having an issue where the icons aren’t centered to the icon background. On the footer widget. Any ideas?
Perhaps a style conflict with your theme? I can’t tell without seeing the actual page.
Hi ! I want to make sure to open the page in a new window by clicking on it. The option is already checked but it always opens on the same page.
Hi there,
are you using the latest version?
I just test v1.8.1 and it works just fine.
I actually have the same problem. i cannot increase the size of the icons. my intention was to have three to 4 icons on the homepage with titles underneath ( as in LEARN, EXPLORE, DISCOVER) with icons around 80 px wide displaying under the homepage slideshow in cousteau.
but icons size won’t change and titles for icons won’t show.
Unfortunately the image icons are no longer supported as the newer, font-based icons are so much more flexible. You are strongly urged to use the new widget instead.
Where are the icon codes ?
I am using the latest 1.9.4 version and want to assign seperate hex color codes to each icon. I add
i.fa.fa-facebook-official {
color: #3b5998;
i.fa.fa-linkedin-square {
color: #007bb5;
to any custom CSS plugin (in my case it is Simple CSS but tried with TJ Custom CSS as well).
Unfortunately the CSS code generated by Socials Ignited overwrites the custom CSS code. I think it should have been generated before them.
Hello! The plugin uses ID selectors to style each widget individually, so we need to overcome its specificity by adding !important after the style declaration, for example:
i.fa.fa-linkedin-square {
color: #007bb5 !important;
Although I would recommend you style your icons with the following rule convention:
.ci-socials-ignited .fa-facebook {
color: #3b5998 !important;
Using the socials ignited widget on Muzak. Added the widget for the home page with no problem. Wondering how to add the widget to each artist and be able to have different URL’s for each artist.
Hello Theresa.
You can use the widget in the Artist Sidebar in combination with the Widget Logic plugin. This will allow you to add multiple widgets and make each one appear only on certain posts.
For any more info or other Muzak related questions you might have, please use our ticketing system here
Thank you and happy new year!
Can’t change colors in Social Ignited icons…
Hi there! i’ve installed the plugin on my website but i cannot change the icon colors on the top:
I do change the color of icons in the bottom (widget) but even if I change the settings, the page always shows the pink…
What can I do? How can I fix this issue?
I can’t see the icons but they are there because I can click blindly. What have I done wrong please?
Do I have to set certain colours? I just left everything as was and added the FA icons code as per their website and title ‘social media’ which is the only thing that appears.
Hi there,
please direct your support questions here:
Dear Sirs,
I have installed social ignited on the site
Now I have a problem that only one post is displayed, instead of four posts (before the plugin shown 4 posts in 4 columns)
Please let me know how to fix it
Hello Roberto.
Please verify that the issue is caused by the plugin. Temporarily disable it and check if you get your 4 posts in 4 column back. If indeed is a plugin conflict please post in the plugin’s support forum here and we’ll be along to help.
Thank you.
Dear Nik,
thanks to your advice, now we made a new site (made by Web Agency
The problem has been fixed on the old site, everything is ok, thanks for your support
You’re welcome!
Glad to hear everything was resolved Roberto!
I’ve installed socials ignited and started setting the icons. It turns out that I see a small box an no icon.
When I inspect the element, I find the following code: . On the other hand, when I look into the code of the website that has the theme I have, I find the following code :
The website I try to emulate is :
My website is :
Do you please have an idea about how to solve that?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Sal,
for the time being, you will need to downgrade Socials Ignited to v1.11 as v2 doesn’t support fontawesome 4 anymore.