“Without the confusing parts”
We love WordPress. We’ve been using it for our own projects since 2008. Back then WordPress themes wasn’t really a thing so we had to come up with our own “themes” for our client projects.
At some point in 2010 and after numerous successful client projects it was obvious that we knew a thing or two on what it takes to build a reliable WordPress theme. We also loved the idea of building niche WordPress themes that people would love to use.
CSSIgniter is born
In 2012 we launched CSSIgniter.com with 10 WordPress themes. It was way more difficult than we thought but we managed to quickly establish a solid presence within the premium WordPress themes market. People trusted us but for a reason: Our promise to provide fantastic support. You see any WordPress theme without proper guidance and support from the makers doesn’t mean much. Our rule “Provide a meaningful answer to all support requests within 24 hours, 7 days / week” is still standing and that’s a promise that we’ve been keeping since day 1.
Here’s a small selection of events that we are really proud of.
10 WordPress themes available for $39/year. Not a bad deal eh?
Our first exclusive Themeforest WordPress theme goes live. Muzak, a WordPress themes for musicians. More than 2,800 users use Muzak for their music websites.
More than 20,000 users have now purchased a theme club subscription from CSSIgniter.com. Scary at first but the future looked bright. We now have a selection of 35 themes in our catalog.
Received the Elite Author badge in Themeforest. To be honest, we didn’t see that coming. But we did receive it and that gave us a boost of confidence to produce even more quality niche WordPress themes.
We are now WordPress.com official theme partners. Our most popular blogging theme, Olsen, joins the WordPress.com family of themes and currently powers more than 10,000 blogs.
We have now served more than 90,000 users from 140 different countries. The best thing? Our users are satisfied with both our themes and support system. Here’s what people think about us.

We do know that one size doesn’t fit all but we really tried.

Oh we do have big plans for the future. More themes, better themes, more flexible options and tighter integration with popular plugins are some of the things that we've been working on for a while. And obviously, blocks!
Not just a business.
You see, WordPress is more than just a content management system. It’s the community behind it. The volunteers and enthusiasts who happily donate their time to improve WordPress on a daily basis. We are part of this community and it’s quite possibly the best one out there. Public talks, workshops and sponsorships. This is how we show our appreciation to all these people.

Gerasimos was on a mission to keep people calm about the big changes introduced in WordPress 5.0
Here’s a small sample of our engagement with the WordPress community.
2010 – WordCamp Greece, Thessaloniki
Using WordPress as a CMS.
2011 – WordCamp Greece, Thessaloniki
Pros and cons of using WordPress frameworks
2013 – Digitized Conference – Athens, Greece
Workshop: Building a WordPress theme.
2014 – The Cube – Athens, Greece
An introduction to the premium WordPress themes market.
2014 – WordPress GR Community – Athens, Greece
Building & Selling premium WordPress themes.
2015 – Found.ation workshop – Athens, Greece
Things to consider while buying an e-commerce theme for WordPress.
2016 – WordPress GR Community – Athens, Greece
Running a WordPress themes business.
2016 – WordPress GR Community – Larisa, Greece
WordPress Theming.
2016 – WordCamp Athens, Greece
UX Dashboard Tips for theme & plugin developers.
2018 – Design Athens – Athens, Greece
WordPress Workshop.
2018 – Vakalo Art & Design College – Athens, Greece
WordPress Workshop.
2018 – WordPress GR Community – Larisa, Greece
Project Gutenberg.
2018 – WordCamp Thessaloniki
WordPress, Project Gutenberg and the next 15 years.
Well, that’s about it. If you need any help with anything, feel free to get in touch and we will be there for you within 24 hours.
All the best,
The CSSIgniter team
Meet the team

Gerasimos Tsiamalos
Designer, Co–Founder
Gerasimos discovered WordPress 16 years ago and hasn’t looked back ever since. After almost 3 years of running a rather successful service providing PSD to HTML/WordPress slicing services, he decided to transfer all this knowledge to CSSIgniter which he co-founded in 2012. He enjoys junk food more than many, healthier, things.

Anastis Sourgoutsidis
Web developer, Co–Founder
Anastis (BSc Computer Science, MSc Web Services Develpment) started his programming journey from his teens. In his professional career he has worked as a database programmer for the NHS, and later became a freelance web developer. Eventually he partnered with Gerasimos and they founded CSSIgniter some 10 years ago. Among other technologies, he came to love WordPress which he works exclusively on since CSSIgniter's birth. Now in his late 30's, containerization and microservices tickle his fancy. He dreams about sailing around the world, tasting street food, brews and single malts as he goes.

Vassilis Mastorostergios
Web developer
Vassilis jump-started his web development career working with WordPress over ten years ago. Since the early days the front-end won him over and his focus nowadays lies in converting pretty pixels into interactive experiences, all things styling, JavaScript, and the browser. He's torn between his love for heavy rock and house music.

Nik Vourvachis
Web developer
Developer and bug squasher. Making your life easier everyday. Enjoys good food, weird beer, books and video games.

Fotis Papafotiou
Web developer
He's been working with web technologies since he can remember. When he discovered WordPress he immediately fell in love and expanded his knowledge over the years landing a support position at CSSIgniter, a team committed to its members providing the best support out there. Trying to keep the high standards, he is particularly excited that he can give back to professionals, editors, bloggers, and hobbyists who work with and trust CSSIgniter themes on a daily basis.