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Get the most out of Facebook with these WordPress plugins

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Get the most out of Facebook with these WordPress plugins WordPress template

Facebook is everywhere and almost everybody is on it. Its popularity makes it a great tool to help us reach more people, to expand our audience and promote our work. It is a wise choice for anyone that wants to increase their visitors, customers or readers to integrate their site with Facebook. Today we’re going to take a look at some plugins that can help us with this task.

Like-box plugins

Let’s start with like boxes. They provide an easy way to display your Facebook page on your site and allow users to like it on the spot. This will provide you with new followers which will then get faster access to the content you publish on the network.

Facebook Widget


The plugin is very easy to use. It provides you with the Facebook Page Like widget which you can access either through Customize > Widgets or Appearance > Widgets. Virtually no configuration necessary, just page in your Facebook page’s URL and save. If you wish you can set it to show posts from the page’s timeline, modify its size, use custom CSS and more. The plugin also supports a shortcode in case you want to display the like box along with your content.

Here’s how it looks with posts from the timeline visible.


Facebook – by weblizar


Once activated the plugin offers you the Facebook By WebLizar widget which can be accessed under Customize > Widgets or Appearance > Widgets. Again set up is minimal. Just paste in the page’s URL and adjust the size if you need. Faces & timeline toggles are also available.


The plugin also offers shortcodes which can be individually configured under the Facebook By Weblizar tab in your dashboard. Once done you can use the shortcode in your content to display the likebox.

Facebook feed plugins

Displaying a feed of your Facebook activity somewhere on your site is a good idea. It will help people see what sort of information you post on your Facebook feed and subscribe to it if they are interested.

Custom Facebook Feed


This plugin will allow you to post a feed using a shortcode very easily, while at the same time offering a tremendous amount of customization if you are willing to put the time to it. All you need to do to get started is navigate to the Facebook Feed tab on your dashboard and fill in your page’s name or ID, save and you are done. You can place the shortcode on any page or post of your site to display the shortcode.


If you want to customize the feed you can do so under Facebook Feed > Customize. There you can control the feed’s styling, typography and more.

Facebook Feed WD


Another very powerful feed plugin is Facebook Feed WD. This one allows you to create unlimited feeds for either pages or groups. Just go to the Facebook Feed WD tab in your dashboard and create a new one. Great customization is available for the feed as well, you can select what posts are displayed, toggle comments, likes, add pagination and more. Also under the themes tab you will find a great deal of visual options to modify in order to get your feeds up to your standards.


Auto post to Facebook plugins

As we mentioned sharing your work on Facebook is a great way to enlarge your audience. To make this easier you can set up automatic publishing of posts to Facebook so there’s no chance you’ll miss a posting.

Facebook Auto Publish

This plugin allows you to post your blog posts on Facebook, either as plain text, text with images or as a link back to your blog. You can filter by post type and choose what you want shared. To set it up navigate to the Facebook Auto Publish tab in your dashboard. Here you will find instructions on how to create the necessary Facebook app in order to allow the plugin to post on your page. Once done select what you want posted and the preferred layout and save. That’s it. Now your posts will be automatically posted to your Facebook page as well.

Jetpack’s Social


Most likely you’ve heard of Jetpack before, perhaps you are even using it already on your site. Jetpack comes with the Social module or standalone plugin. To activate it go to Jetpack > Settings > Sharing and toggle it on. Then click the configuration link below. You will be asked to click the Connect button next to your preferred social network and grant access to Jetpack so it can post on your behalf. That’s it, pretty easy, right?

Facebook chat plugins

Our last category for today are Facebook chat plugins. These can give you the ability to communicate in real time with your visitors via Facebook’s messenger service.

WP Facebook Messenger


The plugin’s usage is pretty straight forward. Activate it and go to Settings > Facebook Messenger on your dashboard to configure it. Set your Facebook page’s URL in the box, modify the text if you wish to do so and save. A messenger bubble will appear on the right side of all your site’s pages. When clicked it will open a pop up window where the user can type their message, simple as that.


If you don’t want the bubble to appear on all pages you can either configure it to appear on only a few or to be excluded from only a few, it’s up to you.

Facebook Messenger for WordPress


Just as with the previous plugin, after activation you will need to navigate to Settings > FB Messenger and paste in your page’s URL. If you’d like you can also display your page’s timeline along with the chat-box. Save and visit your front page. You’ll see a messenger bubble which, when clicked, gives you a chat-box pop up.


Final words

This was our hand picked list of Facebook related plugins. There’s something for everyone in there. Hopefully you’ll discover a new tool to help you expand your site’s reach.

Have a suggestion? Did we miss your favorite Facebook related plugin? Please let us know on the comments below!

4 responses to “Get the most out of Facebook with these WordPress plugins”

  1. iswinar70 says:

    i use jetpack. not only publize to facebook or twitter, jetpack publize to google plus automatically. another plugin can’t do that…

    • Nik Vourvachis says:


      You are correct. Jetpack’s publicize works with many more social networks, not just Facebook. We just chose to only mention the Facebook related functionality because that was the main theme of the post.

  2. Anton says:

    Thanks for this review.
    Could you tell about WP Book plugin for integration (
    and NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster for auto posting (
    Are they qualitative whether?

    • Nik Vourvachis says:

      We haven’t tested the NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster plugin, but based on installs and ratings, I think it would be worth a look for sure.

      I would avoid WP Book because it seems it hasn’t been updated in two years.

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