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Brittany and Brittany Light have been updated

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Brittany and Brittany Light have been updated WordPress template

Summer is here and the updates keep coming! We have just released the updated versions of our very popular blogging themes, Brittany and its free counterpart, Brittany Light. Let’s have a look at some of the changes.


Brittany was revamped under the hood to make it as safe, fast and compliant with WordPress coding standards as possible. Styling-wise we have improved the appearance of posts without featured images in certain layouts, and corrected minor imperfections. We have also updated the Customizer experience with improved color options, better custom widget functionality, more fine grained control over your shop listing appearance and more. Additionally product listings and single product pages will appear as fullwidth should you choose to not utilize the Shop sidebar. Finally the theme’s Elementor custom widget has a new improved post selection process and now supports various post layouts.

Check out Brittany:

Brittany Light

The same under the hood treatment was extended to Brittany Light as well, a thorough check was done and everything was brought up to date, styling inconsistencies were fixed and bugs eliminated. Brittany Light now comes with improved heading hierarchy, new social profiles, FontAwesome 5 support, a brand new Page Builder template to help you build great landing pages with your favorite page builder, and more!

Check out Brittany Light:

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