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20 Best Gutenberg Blocks Plugins for WordPress

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20 Best Gutenberg Blocks Plugins for WordPress WordPress template

The WordPress block editor, or “Gutenberg” as it’s widely known, was introduced in version 5.0 and despite the initial negative reception, it has both grown as a project seeing rapid improvements between WordPress major releases, but also has started gaining some traction and much needed acceptance in the WordPress community.

The new editor’s main goal was to improve the content creation experience on WordPress sites by making it more flexible and more intuitive to use. Each piece of content is a block, hence it’s name “block editor”, which can be easily manipulated and moved around to help the user achieve the desired flow in their content.

WordPress offers all the basic blocks you might need to start writing all your posts, but this did not stop third party developers from extending the functionality of the existing core blocks and creating entirely new ones which offer features not yet available in core blocks. There are many major plugins which offer custom blocks which complement their product by making it easier to use with the block editor, WooCommerce is one of them, it comes with built in blocks to display product grids, featured and on-sale products, a cart and many more.

Apart from product enhancing blocks, there are many plugins in which the blocks are the products. Developers create collections of blocks which add new functionality to the block editor, such as maps, testimonials, ratings, tabs, food menus and more.

We have created a list of the 20 best such block collection plugins for you today, these are either completely free or offer great free versions, let’s have a look!

GutenBee – Gutenberg blocks

GutenBee is a free custom blocks plugin which offers more than 25 blocks to enhance your content creation experience. It improves on core blocks, such as the heading, paragraph, gallery etc, but also offers entirely new and exciting blocks like the image comparison, progress bar, slideshow, Google map and more. Custom layouts and grids can be easily created with the use of the GutenBee Container block, combined with the GutenBee Post Types dynamic block post and custom post type listings can be created in no time.

Our favorite block is the GutenBee Food Menu block which makes creating a price-list for your cafe, restaurant or bar a breeze, all it needs is the title, item description, price and a photo for each item and the beautiful and responsive menu is done. While the block’s primary target are food & drink related businesses, there is nothing that stops anyone from using it to create price-lists for other goods and services.

Page Builder Gutenberg Blocks – CoBlocks

CoBlocks tries to mix page builder functionality and new content blocks to create a truly unique block based experience. It mainly focuses on the row & columns block which helps users create complex page layouts in an intuitive way. Along with that you get new custom blocks such as an author block, an image collage, a form, hero, masonry gallery, post carousel and more.

A particularly interesting block is the events block, which either allows the user to create an event list by manually filling in events, or display them dynamically from a public on-line calendar. This is a great tool for artists to help them communicate and inform their fans on upcoming gigs and events.

Atomic Blocks – Gutenberg Blocks Collection

Atomic Blocks offers a small yet robust selection of finely made blocks to help users create more engaging content. Among them users can find a testimonial block, a profile box, a call to action, a dynamic block to display posts and pages in a grid, advanced column and container blocks to simulate page builder functionality in the editor, pricing blocks and more.

Their centerpiece is the built in Layouts block which offers pre-designed page sections and full page layouts. With the click of a button you can create a team presentation or a testimonial section for your site, create a personal landing page and more. The Layouts block is essentially a preview of what block patterns built into the editor will become.

Getwid – Gutenberg Blocks

Getwid offers a massive collection of custom blocks and along with its built in block template library users will be hard pressed to find anything missing. Everything from accordions, banners, sliders, maps, testimonials, counters, post lists and many more are come bundled with Getwid. The block template library offers ready made layouts such as a testimonial grid, a contact section and more, which can be easily inserted in the editor with a few clicks.

A noteworthy block, especially for writers and bloggers is the Table of Contents block. It will automatically detect all headings in your content and create the table of contents for your post complete with navigation links to each section.

Advanced Gutenberg – Blocks, Permissions, Layouts, Forms and CSS Styles

Advanced Gutenberg seeks to improve and enhance already existing core blocks and also bring new ones to the table. You will find many blocks corresponding to core ones but with more functionality squeezed out of them, such the advanced icon, button, image, list, table etc. Additionally you will find newsletter blocks, map, testimonial, WooCommerce products and a search bar block among others.

A very handy block available in Advanced Gutenberg is the Login/Registration block which allows users to display either a login or a new user registration form on any place on your page. The form’s appearance is highly customizable with variable width, colors, borders and more.

Gutenberg Post Blocks

This plugin focuses on creating highly customizable post grids and listings to help users achieve the perfect layout for their blog. In the plugin’s free version one can find various post lists, post grids and a post slider to pick from. Apart from the post listing blocks there is a basic heading and image block and a block library which offers a number of pre-made layouts, some of them free, which can be inserted to the editor with a few clicks.

Each post listing block is highly customizable when it comes to its appearance. All post aspects can be toggled on and off, the query can be fine-tuned to return only desired posts, extensive appearance options are available for each post section allowing users to customize alignment, style, typography, borders and spacing. Pagination is also available and very customizable as well.

Ultimate Blocks – Gutenberg Blocks Plugin

Ultimate Blocks is a custom block plugin aimed at bloggers and marketers. It aims to make it very easy for them to create better and engaging content using the block editor. Blocks offered by Ultimate Blocks include a testimonial block, a call to action, social sharing, table of contents, star rating, a review block, a how to block and more.

A very handy block for bloggers writing complex content is the content filter block. This allows readers to filter the content based on various preset filters and get through it much easier without the risk of losing focus while searching for interesting bits in larger texts.

Gutenberg Blocks – Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg

The plugin comes with a robust selection of post grid, masonry and carousel layouts, information boxes, testimonials, maps, call to action buttons and more.

We particularly liked the timeline blocks which can either automatically create timelines based on the site’s posts, or entirely custom ones with content that is added straight to the block. Timelines are highly customizable when it comes to their layouts and appearance. Typography, colors and item spacing are only some of the items that are user customizable.

Stackable – Page Builder Gutenberg Blocks

Stackable bundles more than 27 custom blocks including ones that build upon the functionality of core blocks, such as the button, advanced heading, advanced text etc, and completely new ones such as the pricing, header, icon list, notification, card and others. The design library block gives the user access to more than 300 pre-made free and premium layouts which can be inserted and used with just a few clicks.

The video popup block places a thumbnail placeholder in the content which when clicked will play a video from YouTube or Vimeo in a popup window eliminating the need for inline videos which can be annoying to many readers.

Gutenberg Blocks and Page Builder – Qubely

Qubely is a feature packed block editor toolkit which brings along custom blocks, pre-made sections and starter packs to help users get the most out of their block editor experience. Available custom blocks include maps, progress bars, headings, counters, social sharing buttons, lists, timelines and more. Along with these through the editor you can import ready made sections containing all those custom blocks, like call to actions, pricing tables, testimonial grids and more. Additionally starter packs are available to get you up and running in no time, these includes predesigned homepages, contact sections, portfolios, about pages and more for various types of businesses. Both free and premium sections and starter packs are available.

The pricing block combined with the row block help create informative and very flexible pricing tables for your services. Various layouts are available with customizable currency, typography, colors, badges, borders and many more.

Gutenberg Blocks Collection – qodeblock

Qodeblock packs more than a dozen custom blocks which enhance the block editor’s capabilities. Among them you will find a testimonial block, an author profile, a call to action, post grid, columns, containers, a pricing block and more.

The inline notice block is particularly helpful when writing instructions, guides, recipes and more and need a way to capture the reader’s attention to convey important information. The block’s color can be customized depending on the message’s importance and the notice can be dismissible.

Premium Blocks for Gutenberg

Despite what the plugin’s name might suggest, all of its offered blocks are completely free. Premium  Blocks comes with a small yet useful selection of essential blocks such as the button, maps, pricing table, section, testimonial block and more.

The dual heading block allows the user to create a heading split in two parts. The parts can be presented both in an inline and block layout allowing for the creation of various layouts. The colors, spacing and typography can be individually configured for each of the headings.

Gutenberg Blocks and Template Library by Otter

Otter employs a lightweight approach to enhancing the WordPress site building experience without affecting speed and performance. It offers a few essential content blocks such as the section block which allows custom layout creation, a slider, testimonials, pricing, sharing icons and more. Additionally it offers a template library with premade layouts for headers, testimonials, pricing tables, content and more.

One block that is kinda niche but stands out is the plugin block. This block can pull and display info of any plugin hosted in the WordPress plugin directory. It lists the plugin’s icon, name, author, rating, short description, active installs, version number and WordPress version compatibility. This can be particularly useful for plugin reviewers giving them the ability to display some key plugin info along with their content.

Page Builder Gutenberg Blocks – Kioken Blocks

Kioken Blocks is a fantastic suite of advanced Gutenberg Blocks which aims to maximize productivity and creative freedom. To achieve this it offers a multitude of custom blocks which build on existing core ones, such as the fancy buttons, split headings, divider plus, but also it adds new functionality with blocks like the video box, features, testimonials carousel, Kinetic posts and more. Additionally the Kioken Elements block gives the user access to a number of free and premium pre-made block layouts and templates to insert and use on their site.

One very interesting block is the Kinetic Wrapper which accepts any content block inside it and gives it unique functionality like animation, custom spacing, borders, colors, shadows, backgrounds, responsive options and many more.

Gutenberg Blocks by Kadence Blocks – Page Builder Features

Kadence Blocks aims to be a toolkit that makes the WordPress block editor capable of creating content usually only possible through popular page builder plugins. To do that it comes with some essential blocks to create buttons, headings, tabs, accordions, lists, forms and more and brings along the row layout block which allows for better control of columns on different screen sizes plus it packs full row editing tools like padding, backgrounds, overlays with gradients, vertical-align and much more.

The bundled testimonials block makes creating a testimonial grid or carousel a breeze. Testimonials can include rating, have toggleable sections, modifiable appearance and more.

Guteblock – Ultimate Gutenberg Blocks Plugin

Guteblock brings 21 custom blocks to the WordPress block editor to help provide users a smooth page building experience. All the essential blocks are here, a post grid block, a call to action, accordions, cards, newsletter, inline notice, authorbox and many more.

Essential Blocks for Gutenberg

Essential Blocks adds power to your post and page building experience. It provides easy-to-use blocks designed to make WordPress posts created with the block editor prettier than ever before. The plugin carries all the blocks a user might expect, testimonials, social links, team members, pricing tables, content toggles, Instagram feeds, sliders and many more.

The flipbox block can help create animated flip boxes and highlight any content inside the page. Flip boxes can be customized when it comes to size, the flip animation, colors, backgrounds, typography and more.

Editor Blocks for Gutenberg

Editor Blocks is another block collection plugin with an interesting variety of included blocks. Among them you will find a testimonial block, pricing table, a team block, an author profile, a hero block and more.

The included brands block can display a group of brands in a single row making it ideal for showcasing notable partners or clients.

Di Blocks – Awesome WordPress Blocks for Gutenberg Editor

Di Blocks offers a small collection of basic blocks to enhance the editor experience. Four of the six included blocks are based on core blocks and extend their functionality by adding customizable typography, extended color options, animations and more. Apart from these there are two more blocks available, one to add Google maps and one to add FontAwesome icons to the content.

Advanced Gutenberg Blocks

Advanced Gutenberg Blocks bundles 16 custom blocks, offers users the ability to disable built in blocks they do not use, allows editor tweaks such as changing the default width, font sizes and more. Some of the most interesting blocks offered by the plugin are the add to cart button block, the website card preview, the giphy embed block, and the text and ad block which allows users to display an ad inline with the content.

The unsplash block can be especially useful to bloggers who want to pad their content with beautiful images but don’t have any of their own. The block allows the user to search for the ideal image to insert in their content among the best free stock images.

Wrapping up

The block editor is constantly growing and has a bright future ahead of it. However the core blocks will always most likely be kept to a minimum to avoid cluttering the editor’s interface and confusing new users. This allows third party developers to unleash their creativity and publish great plugins like the ones listed above. Picking one of the above is not always easy because there is not one which covers all cases. If we had to suggest one it would be GutenBee, because it is our own plugin and we are passionate about improving it constantly and adding functionality that is essential to all of you out there. Do you have a favorite plugin? What blocks would you like to see added on GutenBee? Let us know in the comments below!

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