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Translating Ignition Framework strings
In this article we’re going to take a look at how we can translate static theme strings, for example the labels for custom post types in the admin dashboard, the text on listing buttons and more. In this example we will translate the Read More text which appears on the blog listing buttons on the Aegean Resort theme to its Greek counterpart.
To help us with this task we will be using Loco Translate which is a string translation plugin. Install and activate the plugin and navigate to Loco Translate > Plugins > Ignition Framework.
Click theĀ New language link to proceed.
From the choose language drop down select one of the available languages in your WordPress installation (or a custom one if the one you need is not installed). Choose the location you want the translations to be saved in. We recommend leaving it in Custom which is safe from being overwritten when the plugin or WordPress are updated. Click the Start translating button to continue.
In the next page use the search box to find the string you are aiming to translate. In our case we are looking for Read More which is the default button text. Fill in the translation in the translation box and click the Save button. That’s it, now the item is translated, when your site is displayed in the new language the button’s text will be the translated one.
Repeat this process for all required strings.
Most strings you’ll need to translate live in the Ignition Framework plugin, however if you need to translate any theme strings, the procedure is exactly the same, with the difference that instead of going to Loco Translate > Plugins > Ignition for the first step, you go to Loco Translate > Themes > Aegean Resort (or any other Ignition Framework based theme you might be using).