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Ignition Framework hooks
We have built in dozens of hooks into the Ignition Framework to make it flexible and developer friendly. Below you will find an overview of the available hooks along with their parameters and a short description of the location they fire in.
Hook Name Hook Parameters Hook Description
ignition_global_before | none | Fires after the body tag opening. |
ignition_header | none | Fires where the header section will render. |
ignition_before_header | string $menu_type, array $menu_info | Fires before the header section. |
ignition_before_header_top_bar | bool $is_visible | Fires before the header’s top bar. |
ignition_after_header_top_bar | bool $is_visible | Fires after the header’s top bar. |
ignition_head_mast_before | none | Fires before the main header content. |
ignition_before_site_branding | none | Fires before the header’s logo area. |
ignition_after_site_branding | none | Fires after the header’s logo area. |
ignition_head_mast_after | none | Fires after the main header content. |
ignition_after_header | string $menu_type, array $menu_info | Fires after the header section. |
ignition_before_main | none | Fires before the main content area. |
ignition_before_the_page_title_with_background_section | bool $is_visible | Fires before the page title, when it has a background. |
ignition_after_the_page_title_with_background_section | bool $is_visible | Fires after the page title, when it has a background. |
ignition_main_before | none | Fires at the beginning of the main content area. |
ignition_before_the_normal_page_title_section | bool $is_visible | Fires before the page title. |
ignition_after_the_normal_page_title_section | bool $is_visible | Fires after the page title. |
ignition_before_entry | string $context, int $post_id | Fires before the main content entry section. |
ignition_before_single_entry | none | Fires before the main content entry on single posts. |
ignition_the_post_header | none | Fires where the post header section will be rendered. |
ignition_the_post_entry_meta | none | Fires where the post meta will be rendered. |
ignition_before_the_post_entry_meta | string $html | Fires before the post’s entry meta section. |
ignition_after_the_post_entry_meta | string $html | Fires after the post’s entry meta section. |
ignition_before_the_post_header | string $html | Fires before the post’s header. |
ignition_after_the_post_header | string $html | Fires after the post’s header. |
ignition_after_entry | string $context, int $post_id | Fires beforer the main content entry closes. |
ignition_before_the_post_thumbnail | none | Fires before the post’s thumbnail. |
ignition_after_the_post_thumbnail | none | Fires after the post’s thumbnail. |
ignition_after_single_entry | none | Fires before the single post’s main content section closes. |
ignition_before_the_post_entry_thumbnail | none | Fires before the listing item’s thumbnail. |
ignition_after_the_post_entry_thumbnail | none | Fires after the listing item’s thumbnail. |
ignition_sidebar_before | none | Fires before the sidebar’s content. |
ignition_sidebar_after | none | Fires after the sidebar’s content. |
ignition_main_after | none | Fires before the main content section closes. |
ignition_after_main | none | Fires after the main content section. |
ignition_footer | none | Fires where the footer section will be rendered. |
ignition_before_footer | bool $is_visible | Fires before the footer section. |
ignition_footer_before | none | Fires after the footer section opens. |
ignition_before_footer_info | bool $is_visible | Fires before the footer info section. |
ignition_after_footer_info | bool $is_visible | Fires after the footer info section. |
ignition_footer_after | none | Fires before the footer section closes. |
ignition_after_footer | bool $is_visible | Fires after the footer section. |
ignition_global_after | none | Fires before the body tag closes. |