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Business3ree, our popular business WordPress theme, has just received a major update

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Business3ree, our popular business WordPress theme, has just received a major update WordPress template

In case you haven’t noticed, our popular premium business theme for WordPress, Business3ree, has been updated to v2.5. The new version brings with it a cleaner, faster and safer theme. It also has added features and less bugs to worry about. Let’s take a closer look.

Under the hood

The majority of improvements on this version can be found under the hood. We have combed all theme templates for any issues, and while doing that we have updated them to the latest WordPress coding standards. We also made sure everything is stored safely and escaped properly. We have removed obsolete scripts and code snippets and updated necessary ones to their latest versions. We modernized the appearance and improved the functionality of the theme’s custom fields, we added finer controls for the shop layout in the Customizer, and many many more.

Added functionality

It’s not all behind the scenes though. We have added two custom Elementor modules to help you build awesome landing pages quickly and easily with your favorite page builder. A new social icons custom widget has been added to the theme which allows you to display links to your most important social profiles. Displaying tags at the end of each post was another popular request which has been implemented on this version. Finally the theme’s store page now has AJAX enabled add to cart buttons to make purchasing products even easier.

And many more

Check the theme’s changelog here to find info on all the changes made. Grab your copy of Business3ree today and create a great site for your business!

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