Changelog for Ignition Widgets for Elementor


  • A => A file has been (A)dded
  • M => A file has been (M)odified
  • D => A file has been (D)eleted

1.5.4 - March 20, 2024

Compatibility: WordPress 6.4.1+

List of changes between ignition-elementor-widgets v1.5.3 and v1.5.4

* FIXED: Properly escape all output.
  M includes/templates.php
  M template-parts/featured-product-category/category-card.php
  M widgets/class-contact-form-7.php
  M widgets/class-countdown.php
  M widgets/class-featured-product-category.php
  M widgets/class-flipclock.php
  M widgets/class-gallery.php
  M widgets/class-heading.php
  M widgets/class-hotspots.php
  M widgets/class-icon-box.php
  M widgets/class-image-accordion.php
  M widgets/class-image-comparison.php
  M widgets/class-image-hover-effects.php
  M widgets/class-tables.php
  M widgets/class-wpforms.php

* FIXED: Unclosed div in Featured Product Category element.
  M widgets/class-featured-product-category.php

* FIXED: Safeguards when reading SVG files from disk.
  M widgets/class-icon-box.php

*  Changed version to 1.5.4
*  Elementor tested up to: 3.20.1
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php
  M languages/ignition-elementor-widgets.pot

1.5.3 - March 14, 2024

Compatibility: WordPress 6.4.1+

List of changes between ignition-elementor-widgets v1.5.2 and v1.5.3

* FIXED: Properly escape links on output.
  M widgets/class-heading.php
  M widgets/class-image-accordion.php
  M widgets/class-image-hover-effects.php

* FIXED: Replaced calls to deprecated Elementor\Core\Schemes\Typography and Elementor\Core\Schemes\Color classes.
  M widgets/class-contact-form-7.php
  M widgets/class-countdown.php
  M widgets/class-flipclock.php
  M widgets/class-gallery.php
  M widgets/class-heading.php
  M widgets/class-hotspots.php
  M widgets/class-image-accordion.php
  M widgets/class-pricing-list.php
  M widgets/class-tables.php
  M widgets/class-wpforms.php

* FIXED: Hotspots element would throw a warning when saved without an image assigned.
  M widgets/class-hotspots.php

* FIXED: Image hover effect would throw warning when either image was not assigned.
  M widgets/class-image-hover-effects.php

* Changed version to 1.5.3
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php
  M languages/ignition-elementor-widgets.pot

1.5.2 - August 14, 2023

Compatibility: WordPress 6.2.2+

List of changes between ignition-elementor-widgets v1.5.1 and v1.5.2

* ADDED: Post Types masonry support.
  M widgets/class-post-types.php

* CHANGED: Plugin version to 1.5.2
* CHANGED: Elementor tested up to 3.15.2
* UPDATED: Language file
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php
  M languages/ignition-elementor-widgets.pot

1.5.1 - July 4, 2023

Compatibility: WordPress 6.2.1+

List of changes between ignition-elementor-widgets v1.5.0 and 1.5.1

* ADDED: Image size control on Post Types
  M widgets/class-post-types.php

* FIXED: Notices thrown on settings page when WooCommerce was not active.
* FIXED: Notice thrown when Ignition Framework was not active.
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php

* CHANGED: Plugin version to 1.5.1
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php

1.5.0 - June 13, 2023

Compatibility: WordPress 6.2.1+

List of changes between ignition-elementor-widgets v1.4.0 and v1.5.0

* ADDED: Product tabs element
  A assets/css/product-tabs.css
  A assets/css/product-tabs.min.css
  A assets/css/product-tabs.scss
  A assets/js/product-tabs.js
  A assets/js/product-tabs.min.js
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php
  M includes/class-widgets-helper.php
  A template-parts/product-tabs
  A template-parts/product-tabs/item-product.php
  A widgets/class-product-tabs.php

* ADDED: Featured product category element
* ADDED: Product category list element
  A assets/css/featured-product-category.css
  A assets/css/featured-product-category.min.css
  A assets/css/featured-product-category.scss
  A assets/css/product-category-list.css
  A assets/css/product-category-list.min.css
  A assets/css/product-category-list.scss
  A assets/js/featured-product-category.js
  A assets/js/featured-product-category.min.js
  A assets/js/product-category-list.js
  A assets/js/product-category-list.min.js
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php
  A template-parts/featured-product-category
  A template-parts/featured-product-category/category-card.php
  A template-parts/featured-product-category/item-product.php
  A template-parts/product-category-list
  A template-parts/product-category-list/product-category.php
  A widgets/class-featured-product-category.php
  A widgets/class-product-category-list.php

* FIXED: Improved size control on Icon Box
  M widgets/class-icon-box.php

* FIXED: Elementor preview would break when editing a page that displayed a global section using elementor-based content that included the Post Types Widget.
  M widgets/class-post-types.php

* ADDED: The ability to remove all table header items in order to hide the header completely.
  M widgets/class-tables.php

* ADDED: Google maps now have a responsive height control.
  M widgets/class-google-maps.php

* CHANGED: Plugin version to 1.5.0
* UPDATED: Language files
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php
  M languages/ignition-elementor-widgets.pot
  M template-parts/featured-product-category/category-card.php
  M template-parts/featured-product-category/item-product.php
  M template-parts/product-category-list/product-category.php
  M template-parts/product-tabs/item-product.php

1.4.0 - February 16, 2023

Compatibility: WordPress 6.1+

List of changes between ignition-elementor-widgets v1.3.0 and v1.4.0

* ADDED: Contact Form 7 element
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php
  M includes/class-library-source.php
  A widgets/class-contact-form-7.php

* ADDED: WPForms element.
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php
  A widgets/class-wpforms.php

* ADDED: Countdown element.
  A assets/css/countdown.css
  A assets/css/countdown.min.css
  A assets/css/countdown.scss
  M assets/css/food-menu.css
  M assets/css/food-menu.min.css
  A assets/js/countdown.js
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php
  A widgets/class-countdown.php

* ADDED: Justified Gallery
  A assets/js/gallery.js
  A assets/vendor
  A assets/vendor/justifiedGallery
  A assets/vendor/justifiedGallery/jquery.justifiedGallery.min.js
  A assets/vendor/justifiedGallery/justifiedGallery.min.css
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php
  A widgets/class-gallery.php

* ADDED: Google Maps element.
  A assets/js/googlemaps.js
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php
  A includes/map-styles.php
  A widgets/class-google-maps.php

* ADDED: Heading element.
  A assets/css/heading.css
  A assets/css/heading.min.css
  A assets/css/heading.scss
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php
  A widgets/class-heading.php

* ADDED: Hotspots element
  A assets/css/hotspots.css
  A assets/css/hotspots.min.css
  A assets/css/hotspots.scss
  A assets/js/hotspots.js
  A assets/vendor/tipso
  A assets/vendor/tipso/tipso.min.css
  A assets/vendor/tipso/tipso.min.js
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php
  A widgets/class-hotspots.php

* ADDED: Image accordion element
  A assets/css/accordion.css
  A assets/css/accordion.min.css
  A assets/css/accordion.scss
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php
  A widgets/class-image-accordion.php

* ADDED: Image comparison element
  A assets/js/image-comparison.js
  A assets/vendor/imagesloaded
  A assets/vendor/imagesloaded/imagesloaded.pkgd.min.js
  A assets/vendor/jquery
  A assets/vendor/jquery/jquery.event.move.js
  A assets/vendor/twentytwenty
  A assets/vendor/twentytwenty/jquery.twentytwenty.js
  A assets/vendor/twentytwenty/twentytwenty.css
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php
  A widgets/class-image-comparison.php

* ADDED: Image hover effects
  A assets/css/image-hover-effects.css
  A assets/css/image-hover-effects.min.css
  A assets/css/image-hover-effects.scss
  A assets/images
  A assets/images/displacements
  A assets/images/displacements/1.jpg
  A assets/images/displacements/10.jpg
  A assets/images/displacements/11.jpg
  A assets/images/displacements/12.jpg
  A assets/images/displacements/13.jpg
  A assets/images/displacements/14.jpg
  A assets/images/displacements/15.jpg
  A assets/images/displacements/16.jpg
  A assets/images/displacements/17.jpg
  A assets/images/displacements/2.jpg
  A assets/images/displacements/3.jpg
  A assets/images/displacements/4.jpg
  A assets/images/displacements/5.jpg
  A assets/images/displacements/6.jpg
  A assets/images/displacements/7.jpg
  A assets/images/displacements/8.jpg
  A assets/images/displacements/9.jpg
  A assets/js/image-hover-effects.js
  A assets/vendor/hover
  A assets/vendor/hover/hover.js
  A assets/vendor/threejs
  A assets/vendor/threejs/three.min.js
  A assets/vendor/tween
  A assets/vendor/tween/jstween.js
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php
  M widgets/class-image-comparison.php
  A widgets/class-image-hover-effects.php

* ADDED: Instagram filters to image element
  A assets/css/instagram-filters.css
  A assets/css/instagram-filters.min.css
  A assets/css/instagram-filters.scss
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php
  A widgets/instagram-filters.php

* ADDED: Pricing list element.
* ADDED: Minified assets.
  A assets/css/pricing-list.css
  A assets/css/pricing-list.min.css
  A assets/css/pricing-list.scss
  M assets/js/countdown.js
  A assets/js/countdown.min.js
  A assets/js/gallery.min.js
  A assets/js/googlemaps.min.js
  A assets/js/hotspots.min.js
  A assets/js/image-comparison.min.js
  A assets/js/image-hover-effects.min.js
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php
  A widgets/class-pricing-list.php
  M widgets/instagram-filters.php

* ADDED: Sticky video
  A assets/css/sticky-video.css
  A assets/css/sticky-video.min.css
  A assets/css/sticky-video.scss
  A assets/js/sticky-video.js
  A assets/js/sticky-video.min.js
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php
  A widgets/sticky-video.php

* ADDED: Tables element
  A assets/css/tables.css
  A assets/css/tables.min.css
  A assets/css/tables.scss
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php
  M widgets/class-pricing-list.php
  A widgets/class-tables.php

* ADDED: Tilt effects
  A assets/vendor/vanillaTilt
  A assets/vendor/vanillaTilt/vanilla-tilt.min.js
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php
  A widgets/tilt.php

* ADDED: Flipclock
  A assets/css/flipclock.css
  A assets/css/flipclock.min.css
  A assets/css/flipclock.scss
  A assets/js/flipclock.js
  A assets/js/flipclock.min.js
  A assets/vendor/flipclock
  A assets/vendor/flipclock/flipclock.css
  A assets/vendor/flipclock/flipclock.min.js
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php
  A widgets/class-flipclock.php
  M widgets/tilt.php

* ADDED: Scheduled tool
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php
  A widgets/scheduled.php
  M widgets/tilt.php

* ADDED: Options page
  A assets/css/admin
  A assets/css/admin/settings.css
  A assets/css/admin/settings.min.css
  A assets/css/admin/settings.scss
  M assets/css/food-menu.css
  M assets/css/food-menu.min.css
  A assets/css/post-types.css
  A assets/css/post-types.min.css
  A assets/css/post-types.scss
  M assets/css/styles.css
  M assets/css/styles.min.css
  M assets/css/styles.scss
  A assets/css/taxonomy-terms.css
  A assets/css/taxonomy-terms.min.css
  A assets/css/taxonomy-terms.scss
  M assets/js/image-comparison.js
  M assets/js/image-comparison.min.js
  M assets/vendor/twentytwenty/twentytwenty.css
  M ignitefile.js
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php
  A includes/available-elements.php
  A includes/settings-page.php
  M widgets/class-flipclock.php
  M widgets/class-gallery.php
  M widgets/class-google-maps.php
  M widgets/class-hotspots.php
  M widgets/class-image-comparison.php
  M widgets/class-image-hover-effects.php
  M widgets/class-post-types.php
  M widgets/class-taxonomy-terms.php
  M widgets/scheduled.php

* ADDED: Grid gap control for Food menu item.
* ADDED: Ability to toggle Food menu images on various breakpoints.
  M widgets/class-food-menu.php

* CHANGED: Plugin version to 1.4.0
* CHANGED: Elementor tested up to to 3.11
* UPDATED: Language files
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php
  M languages/ignition-elementor-widgets.pot

1.3.0 - January 5, 2023

Compatibility: WordPress 6.0+

List of changes between ignition-elementor-widgets v1.2.0 and v1.3.0

* ADDED: Ignition Elementor Templates support.
* ADDED: Elementor tested up to: 3.9.2
* FIXED: Minor performance fixes.
  M assets/css/food-menu.css
  M assets/css/food-menu.min.css
  A assets/css/template-library.css
  A assets/css/template-library.min.css
  A assets/css/template-library.scss
  A assets/js/template-library.js
  A assets/js/template-library.min.js
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php
  A includes/class-library-manager.php
  A includes/class-library-source.php
  A includes/templates.php
  M widgets/class-food-menu.php
  M widgets/class-icon-box.php

* FIXED: An issue where a notice would be thrown if no terms were selected
  M widgets/class-taxonomy-terms.php

* REMOVED: Removed compatibility with Elementor < 3.5.0
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php

* Changed version to 1.3.0
* Updated language file.
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php
  M languages/ignition-elementor-widgets.pot

1.2.0 - September 12, 2022

Compatibility: WordPress 6.0.1+

List of changes between ignition-elementor-widgets v1.1.2 and v1.2.0

* ADDED: Icon Box widget
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php
  A includes/ignition-icons.php
  A widgets/class-icon-box.php

* ADDED: Food menu widget
  A assets/css/food-menu.css
  A assets/css/food-menu.min.css
  A assets/css/food-menu.scss
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php
  A widgets/class-food-menu.php
  M widgets/class-icon-box.php

* FIXED: Improved margin overrides for figure elements
  M assets/css/styles.css
  M assets/css/styles.min.css
  M assets/css/styles.scss

* FIXED: Some soft deprecated hook related issues for registering controls and widgets on elementor pro 3.7.x
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php

* FIXED: Pagination option would not work in Post Types Widget.
  M widgets/class-post-types.php

* ADDED: Taxonomy terms widget.
  M assets/css/styles.css
  M assets/css/styles.min.css
  M assets/css/styles.scss
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php
  A widgets/class-taxonomy-terms.php

* CHANGED: Plugin version to 1.2.0
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php
  M widgets/class-food-menu.php

1.1.2 - June 6, 2022

Compatibility: WordPress 5.9.3+

List of changes between ignition-elementor-widgets v1.1.1 and v1.1.2

* FIXED: Deprecation notice due to deprecated argument 'who' on WP_User_Query.
  M includes/class-posts-group-control.php

* Changed version to 1.1.2
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php

1.1.1 - March 28, 2022

Compatibility: WordPress 5.9.1+

List of changes between ignition-elementor-widgets v1.1.0 and v1.1.1

* FIXED: Deprecated Elementor method _register_controls()
  M widgets/class-post-types.php

* Changed version to 1.1.1
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php

1.1.0 - July 13, 2021

Compatibility: WordPress 5.7.1+

List of changes between ignition-elementor-widgets v1.0.0 and v1.1.0

* FIXED: An undefined index notice would be thrown when the Page post type was selected.
* FIXED: Posts would get displayed even when other post types were selected.
  M widgets/class-post-types.php

* ADDED: The Event type (recurring, future, past) can now be selected for Event queries.
* FIXED: The default "order by" now does not force a value by default, allowing handlers to affect the query (as is needed by Event types to work properly).
  M includes/class-posts-group-control.php
  M includes/class-widgets-helper.php

* ADDED: Post Types Widget: Added custom label for read more buttons.
  M widgets/class-post-types.php

* Changed version to 1.1.0
* Updated language file.
  M ignition-elementor-widgets.php
  M languages/ignition-elementor-widgets.pot

1.0.0 - April 19, 2021

Compatibility: WordPress 5.6.2+

Initial release

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