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Changelog for EventIgniter


  • A => A file has been (A)dded
  • M => A file has been (M)odified
  • D => A file has been (D)eleted

1.0.1 - June 14, 2022

Compatibility: WordPress 5.9.3+

List of changes between eventigniter v1.0.0 and v1.0.1

* FIXED: Renamed country "Swaziland" to "Eswatini" as per
  M class-eventigniter-locations.php

* FIXED: Events would sometimes display wrong venue titles (due to mismatched post ID after data imports).
  M class-eventigniter-abstract-cpt.php
  M class-eventigniter-event.php
  M class-eventigniter-venue.php

* CHANGED: The plugin no longer provides update notifications for itself. Use the CSSIgniter Updater plugin instead.
* REMOVED: Class EventIgniter_Updater / file class-eventigniter-updater.php
  D class-eventigniter-updater.php
  M eventigniter.php

* FIXED: Deprecation warning "Required parameter follows optional parameter" in PHP 8.
  M class-eventigniter-shortcodes.php

* UPDATED: Zap Calendar iCalendar Library (ZapCalLib) from master ( as of 2022-06-13.
  M assets/lib/icalendar/
  M assets/lib/icalendar/includes/date.php
  M assets/lib/icalendar/includes/framework.php
  M assets/lib/icalendar/includes/ical.php
  M assets/lib/icalendar/includes/recurringdate.php
  M assets/lib/icalendar/includes/timezone.php
  M assets/lib/icalendar/zapcallib.php

* Changed version to 1.0.1
  M eventigniter.php
  M languages/eventigniter.pot

1.0.0 - May 17, 2017

Compatibility: WordPress 4.7+

Initial release. Requires PHP >= 5.3

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