Changelog for Sophocles
- A => A file has been (A)dded
- M => A file has been (M)odified
- D => A file has been (D)eleted
1.4.2 - August 25, 2015
Compatibility: WordPress 4.1 — 6.7.2
List of changes between sophocles v1.4.1 (rev. 10589) and v1.4.2 (rev. 12091)
* CHANGED: fitVids is now loaded in the footer.
M panel/ci_panel.php
* REMOVED: Function format_price() was removed from panel/generic.php as it depends on specific panel options that most themes don't include. It will be re-added to the specific themes affected.
M panel/generic.php
* REMOVED: Removed some version-specific styles, applicable to the options panel, for WP < 3.8
M panel/ci_panel.php
* CHANGED: Moved all add_action() and add_filter() calls from media_manager.php and generic.php into default_hooks.php
M panel/default_hooks.php
M panel/generic.php
M panel/media_manager.php
* FIXED: Updated TGM strings.
* CHANGED: TGM property ‘is_automatic’ is now enabled, making it automatically forcefully manage activations and deactivations.
M panel/plugins.php
* REMOVED: Deleted function ci_count_wp_gallery_images() from panel/generic.php. Will add it into functions.php only in the themes that actually need it.
M panel/generic.php
* REMOVED: Deleted experimental customizer.php as it was unused.
M panel/bootstrap.php
D panel/customizer.php
* FIXED: Escaped pretty much everything that can/should be escaped.
M panel/ci_panel.php
M panel/media_manager.php
M panel/post_color_scheme.php
M panel/post_meta.php
M panel/snippets/custom_background.php
M panel/snippets/excerpt.php
M panel/snippets/feedburner.php
M panel/snippets/social.php
M panel/widgets/ci_widget_about.php
M panel/widgets/ci_widget_ads125.php
M panel/widgets/ci_widget_bsa.php
M panel/widgets/ci_widget_flickr.php
M panel/widgets/ci_widget_social.php
M panel/widgets/ci_widget_tweets.php
* FIXED: Styled wp color pickers inside custom fields tabs.
M panel/styles/post-edit-screens.css
* FIXED: Made urls to and other loaded resources, protocol-less. i.e. removed http and/or https so that the appropriate will be used automatically.
M panel/generic.php
M panel/snippets/featured_image_single.php
M panel/snippets/google_maps_api.php
M panel/snippets/sample_content.php
M panel/widgets/ci_widget_tweets.php
M panel/widgets.php
* FIXED: Reverted a couple of "http:" on the update checks, as wp_remote_get() doesn't support protocol-less urls.
M panel/generic.php
* REMOVED: Deleted bower, grunt, and otherwise unneeded, files from panel/components.
* REMOVED: fontawesome less, sass, and woff2 file(s).
D panel/.bowerrc
D panel/components/fontawesome/.bower.json
D panel/components/fontawesome/.npmignore
D panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2
D panel/components/fontawesome/less
D panel/components/fontawesome/scss
D panel/components/retinajs/.bower.json
D panel/components/retinajs/Gruntfile.js
D panel/components/retinajs/bower.json
D panel/components/retinajs/dist/
D panel/components/retinajs/dist/retina.min.js
D panel/components/retinajs/package.json
D panel/components/retinajs/src
* CHANGED: Fontawesome now uses the minified css file.
* REMOVED: Some more unneeded fontawesome files.
M panel/ci_panel.php
D panel/components/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.css
D panel/components/fontawesome/css/
* FIXED: Delete woff2 call from fontawesome font file.
M panel/components/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.min.css
* FIXED: Added handler to trigger a resize event on page template metaboxes, so that metaboxes that have a google map and are hidden by default, will render properly upon show.
M panel/post_meta.php
* FIXED: wp_dropdown_posts() wouldn't work properly with hierarchical post types.
M panel/generic.php
* DEPRECATED: Favicon and Touch Icons panel options are now deprecated in favour of the Customizer's Site Icon feature (WP 4.3). Instructional messages have been added, urging the user to use the Site Icon instead, as these options will be removed in feature theme updates, once WP 4.4 is released.
M panel/snippets/favicon.php
M panel/snippets/touch_favicon.php
* ADDED: Default icon for property options panel tab.
M panel/panel.css
* Style price change indicators.
M panel/term_meta_api.php
* ADDED: Added description and link for the Flickr ID.
* FIXED: Made Flickr widget labels a bit more intuitive.
* CHANGED: The Flickr widget title is now translatable via the default WPML hooks. Back-compat is maintained.
M panel/widgets/ci_widget_flickr.php
* UPDATED: Font-awesome v4.4.0
M panel/ci_panel.php
M panel/components/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.min.css
M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/FontAwesome.otf
M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot
M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg
M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff
* UPDATED: Updated TGM Activation Plugin to v2.5.2
* FIXED: Changed panel widgets' to use PHP5-style constructors (in preparation for WordPress 4.3 and PHP 7).
M panel/libraries/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php
M panel/plugins.php
M panel/widgets/ci_widget_about.php
M panel/widgets/ci_widget_ads125.php
M panel/widgets/ci_widget_bsa.php
M panel/widgets/ci_widget_flickr.php
M panel/widgets/ci_widget_social.php
M panel/widgets/ci_widget_tweets.php
* FIXED: ci_theme_wrap_category_widget_post_counts_in_span() would throw notices in some occasions.
M panel/default_hooks.php
* FIXED: Changed theme widgets' to use PHP5-style constructors (in preparation for WordPress 4.3 and PHP 7).
M functions/widgets/ci_widget_categories.php
* FIXED: Some function calls in panel weren't terminated by a semicolon.
M panel/ci_panel.php
M panel/snippets/custom_background.php
* FIXED: Some function calls weren't terminated by a semicolon.
M template-archive.php
* ADDED: ci_setting() return values are now filterable through the 'ci_setting' filter.
M panel/generic.php
* FIXED: Fixed an undefined index notice, that could be seen in older/updated installations using the 125x125 Ads widget.
M panel/widgets/ci_widget_ads125.php
* Updated lang files.
* Changed version to 1.4.2
M lang/
M lang/en_US.po
M style.css
1.4.1 - May 9, 2015
Compatibility: WordPress 4.1+
List of changes between sophocles v1.4 (rev. 9824) and v1.4.1 (rev. 10589)
* CHANGED: Panel Show “Comments are closed” message option is now unchecked by default. Existing installations are not affected.
M panel/snippets/comments.php
* FIXED: Moved a couple of add_action() calls outside their related if( !function_exists() ) functions’ checks.
M panel/localization.php
* UPDATED: TGM-Plugin-Activation library to v2.4.1 develop branch, as it deals with an XSS vulnerability that could be caused by not escaping urls that made use of the add_query_arg() and remove_query_arg() functions.
M panel/libraries/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php
* FIXED: Removed CSSIgniter link from default footer text.
M functions/template_hooks.php
* ADDED: Added panel Google Maps API options snippet.
M panel/scripts/post-edit-screens.js
A panel/snippets/google_maps_api.php (from /resources/ci_panel/snippets/google_analytics.php:10309)
* FIXED: ci_title() would return duplicate information, as the output of wp_title() now includes the site name and description, depending on context.
M panel/snippets/seo.php
* Updated lang files.
* Changed version to 1.4.1
M lang/
M lang/en_US.po
M style.css
1.4 - March 31, 2015
Compatibility: WordPress 4.1.1+
List of changes between sophocles v1.3.1 (rev. 7237) and v1.4 (rev. 9824)
* fixed buttons width
M panel/panel.css
* Fixed color picker appearance in panel.
M panel/panel.css
* Changed ci_featgal_get_attachments() so that $extra_args parameter defaults to an empty array. Usage and logic is not affected, however IDEs can better detect the parameter expected.
M panel/media_manager.php
* Introduced ci_get_page_var()
M panel/generic.php
* Added package_options icon.
M panel/panel.css
* FIXED - Made featured galleries to work as expected and better behave regarding empty galleries and back-compat support. They now only pre-populate posts that have images attached and NOT have the related custom key.
M panel/media_manager.php
M panel/post_meta.php
* Removed some commented code.
M panel/media_manager.php
* Added triggering of 'change' event on .uploaded-id fields.
M panel/scripts/media-manager-3.5.js
* Eliminated slashed quotes as much as possible, from within gettext calls in custom_background.php snippet.
M panel/snippets/custom_background.php
* Fixed an issue where the featured gallery code would throw a warning, when a post didn't have any custom fields defined.
M panel/media_manager.php
* Introduced $args parameter in ci_panel_checkbox()
* Fixed the "Disable custom background" checkboxes.
M panel/ci_panel.php
M panel/snippets/custom_background.php
* Added argument 'select_even_if_empty' in wp_dropdown_posts() to return an empty if not elements exists. Defaults to false to avoid any back-compat issues.
M panel/generic.php
* UPDATED: Updated Twitter snippet descriptions and labels to reflect the current Twitter website workflow.
* Reformatted twitter widget code.
* CHANGED: Added output of Twitter API errors in the front end of Twitter widget.
M panel/snippets/twitter_api.php
M panel/widgets/ci_widget_tweets.php
* FIXED: Fixed a gettext issue in the Twitter widget.
M panel/widgets/ci_widget_tweets.php
* Made the labels in checklists inline-block;
M panel/panel.css
* FIXED: Changed ci_enqueue_media_manager_scripts() so that wp_localize_script() won't be executed multiple times.
M panel/media_manager.php
* Fixed an issue where ci_localize_datepicker() might had WPLANG undefined.
M panel/localization.php
* Introduced ci_get_related_posts() to easily get related posts.
M panel/generic.php
* Fixed some serious problems with ci_get_related_posts()
M panel/generic.php
* Fixed a gettext string.
M panel/snippets/comments.php
* Fixed a phpDoc description.
M panel/generic.php
* REMOVED: Removed lightbox support for WooCommerce < v2.0 from add_fancybox_support()
* UPDATED: Brought jquery.fancybox.css up to date with the master version from github. Although it has the same version number, it fixes an issue where some themes would scroll to top when fancybox was triggered.
M panel/scripts/fancybox-2.1.5/jquery.fancybox.css
M panel/scripts/fancybox.php
* FIXED: Made the ci_panel_input() not echo a label element if there is no text to show.
M panel/ci_panel.php
* ADDED: Option 'show_site_slogan' to show/hide the slogan (tagline) near the logo.
* CHANGED: ci_e_slogan() is now affected from 'show_site_slogan' panel option.
M panel/generic.php
M panel/snippets/logo.php
* ADDED: Introduced ci_get_image_sizes() to get currently declared image sizes. Uses global $_wp_additional_image_sizes.
* FIXED: Eliminated explicit use of global $_wp_additional_image_sizes. Replaced with calls to ci_get_image_sizes()
M panel/generic.php
M panel/media_manager.php
* ADDED: Image sizes that begin with ci- or ci_ are now listed in the available sizes inside the Media Manager. True size is inside parantheses, as WP calculates and displays sizes relative to $content_width.
M panel/media_manager.php
* ADDED: Introduced ci_metabox_open_collapsible() and ci_metabox_close_collapsible() for easy native collapsible boxes inside metaboxes.
M panel/post_meta.php
* REMOVED: Removed compatibility support from add_fancybox_support() and related functions, as it caused more problems than it solved. WooCommerce themes should use prettyPhoto for max compatibility.
M panel/scripts/fancybox.php
* ADDED: Added IDs in flexslider snippets so that fieldsets can be targeted and get hidden if not needed.
M panel/snippets/slider_flexslider.php
M panel/snippets/slider_flexslider_internal.php
* ADDED: Introduced ci_count_wp_gallery_images() to count the number in native WP galleries.
M panel/generic.php
* FIXED: Added the Post Thumbnail size in the dropdown of available image sizes in the Media Manager.
M panel/media_manager.php
* ADDED: Made ci_has_image_to_show() filterable through 'ci_has_image_to_show' filter.
M panel/snippets/featured_image_single.php
* FIXED: Added a translators comment to a gettext call to assist translation.
M panel/ci_panel.php
* ADDED: Added support for the WordPress title-tag feature. Themes can still use the old titles functionality, and back-compat support of the feature exists for WP < v4.1. NOTE: Themes must NOT include a <title> tag in header.php.
M panel/snippets/seo.php
* REMOVED: <title> tag from header.php as title functionality is now handled from /panel/snippets/seo.php
* FIXED: Standardised charset declaration with bloginfo('charset'). Removed other hardcoded meta http-equiv or charset declarations.
M header.php
* Wrapped options in excerpt snippet with fieldsets with IDs, so that they can be targeted and get hidden.
M panel/snippets/excerpt.php
* FIXED: Solidified handling of unset panel's options. New options introduced will now use the defaults as they should, instead of throwing notices.
M panel/bootstrap.php
M panel/ci_panel.php
* Made the experimental customizer code not load by default, as a lot have changed since our last attempt for compatibility.
* Formatted bootstrap.php a bit.
M panel/bootstrap.php
* FIXED: Changed ci_inflect() so that the $many parameter is returned in any case except when $num is 0 or 1.
M panel/generic.php
* ADDED: Added search template (search.php)
M header.php
A search.php (from /themes/sophocles/wp_sophocles5/index.php:8866)
* FIXED: Improved "Permalink to" attributes.
M index.php
M page.php
M search.php
M single-featured.php
M single.php
M template-archive.php
M template-full.php
* FIXED: Change code a bit and reformatted snippet excerpt.php to be more readable.
* FIXED: Made ci_change_read_more() which filters 'the_content_more_link' a bit more robust.
M panel/snippets/excerpt.php
* ADDED: Added 'ci_panel_option_show_site_slogan' filter to enable/disable the Show Site Slogan (description) option in the panel. Filter should return false when the ci_e_slogan() function is now used in the theme.
M panel/snippets/logo.php
* Added meta generator tag. Ca be enabled/disabled by the panel, 'ci_show_generator_tag' filter, and is hidden on whitelabel.
M panel/generic.php
M panel/snippets/site_other.php
* ADDED: components via bower
A panel/.bowerrc
A panel/components
A panel/components/fontawesome
A panel/components/fontawesome/.bower.json
A panel/components/fontawesome/.npmignore
A panel/components/fontawesome/css
A panel/components/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.css
A panel/components/fontawesome/css/
A panel/components/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.min.css
A panel/components/fontawesome/fonts
A panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/FontAwesome.otf
A panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot
A panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg
A panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
A panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff
A panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2
A panel/components/fontawesome/less
A panel/components/fontawesome/less/animated.less
A panel/components/fontawesome/less/bordered-pulled.less
A panel/components/fontawesome/less/core.less
A panel/components/fontawesome/less/fixed-width.less
A panel/components/fontawesome/less/font-awesome.less
A panel/components/fontawesome/less/icons.less
A panel/components/fontawesome/less/larger.less
A panel/components/fontawesome/less/list.less
A panel/components/fontawesome/less/mixins.less
A panel/components/fontawesome/less/path.less
A panel/components/fontawesome/less/rotated-flipped.less
A panel/components/fontawesome/less/stacked.less
A panel/components/fontawesome/less/variables.less
A panel/components/fontawesome/scss
A panel/components/fontawesome/scss/_animated.scss
A panel/components/fontawesome/scss/_bordered-pulled.scss
A panel/components/fontawesome/scss/_core.scss
A panel/components/fontawesome/scss/_fixed-width.scss
A panel/components/fontawesome/scss/_icons.scss
A panel/components/fontawesome/scss/_larger.scss
A panel/components/fontawesome/scss/_list.scss
A panel/components/fontawesome/scss/_mixins.scss
A panel/components/fontawesome/scss/_path.scss
A panel/components/fontawesome/scss/_rotated-flipped.scss
A panel/components/fontawesome/scss/_stacked.scss
A panel/components/fontawesome/scss/_variables.scss
A panel/components/fontawesome/scss/font-awesome.scss
A panel/components/retinajs
A panel/components/retinajs/.bower.json
A panel/components/retinajs/Gruntfile.js
A panel/components/retinajs/LICENSE
A panel/components/retinajs/
A panel/components/retinajs/bower.json
A panel/components/retinajs/dist
A panel/components/retinajs/dist/
A panel/components/retinajs/dist/retina.js
A panel/components/retinajs/dist/retina.min.js
A panel/components/retinajs/package.json
A panel/components/retinajs/src
A panel/components/retinajs/src/_retina.sass
A panel/components/retinajs/src/_retina.scss
A panel/components/retinajs/src/retina.js
A panel/components/retinajs/src/retina.less
* FIXED: Improved html attributes sanitization in panel.
* REMOVED: Script handle 'ci-colorpicker'. The native WP colorpicker is now used, where applicable.
* DELETED: 'ci-colorpicker' related files from /panel/scripts/colorpicker
* CHANGED: 'retinajs' script handle now loads from panel/components/retinajs/
* DELETED: panel/scripts/retina.1.3.0.min.js file as it now lives inside the panel/components/retinajs/ folder.
M panel/ci_panel.php
D panel/scripts/colorpicker
D panel/scripts/retina.1.3.0.min.js
* UPDATED: Updated TGM plugin activation. Although the version number hasn’t change, the github repository had changes that fixed some incompatibilities when multiple copies of TGM were loaded by themes/plugins.
M panel/libraries/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php
* FIXED: Added a description for the Meta Generator option, so the user can take a better informed decision.
M panel/snippets/site_other.php
* FIXED: ci_human_time_diff() never showed month strings if date diff was greater than 30 days. Also made code a bit more readable.
M panel/generic.php
* ADDED: Support for metabox tabs. Introduced: ci_metabox_open_tab() and ci_metabox_close_tab(). They require to be wrapped in a
* ADDED: Panel file post-edit-screens.js with handle 'ci-panel-post-edit-screens' now loads on all post edit screens.
M panel/ci_panel.php
M panel/panel.css
M panel/post_meta.php
A panel/scripts/post-edit-screens.js
M panel/styles/post-edit-screens.css
* ADDED: Introduced ci_metabox_guide()
M panel/post_meta.php
* ADDED: Term meta API
M panel/bootstrap.php
A panel/term_meta_api.php (from /themes/tabloid/wp_tabloid5/functions/term_meta_api.php:9598)
* Moved development functions inside panel/generic.php
* Deleted panel/development.php and related references.
M panel/bootstrap.php
M panel/development.php
M panel/generic.php
* Acutally deletion of development.php
D panel/development.php
* ADDED: Introduced panel/default_hooks.php for actions/filters affecting core WP functionality.
* ADDED: Made the native Category and Archive widgets wrap their post counts into a, however due to the lack of appropriate filters, the get_archives_link() and wp_list_categories() functions are filtered instead.
M panel/bootstrap.php
A panel/default_hooks.php
* FIXED: When the theme title is selected under the SEO panel options and the site description is empty, a separator is outputted unnecessarily.
M panel/snippets/seo.php
* Fixed an undefined variable error caused by the previous commit.
M panel/snippets/seo.php
* Fixed an issue where the title separator would appear in the front of the page title, caused by the previous fix.
M panel/snippets/seo.php
* ADDED: Introduced array_insert() to insert array elements into a specific position.
M panel/generic.php
* FIXED: Improved behaviour of ci_e_content() in certain cases.
M panel/generic.php
* FIXED: Updated CI_Panel_Walker_Category_Checklist walker class to be up to par with the core Walker_Category_Checklist.
M panel/ci_panel.php
* Fixed checkboxes styling in panel
M panel/panel.css
* FIXED: Made custom post type slugs (and archive slugs if applicable) translatable. Users can now change the default slugs by “translating” them into english, and also translate them for other languages.
M functions/post_types/featured.php
* CHANGED: Panel Show “Comments are closed” message option is now unchecked by default. Existing installations are not affected.
M panel/snippets/comments.php
* Updated lang files.
* Changed version to 1.4
M lang/
M lang/en_US.po
M style.css