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Changelog for Potenza – Legacy


  • A => A file has been (A)dded
  • M => A file has been (M)odified
  • D => A file has been (D)eleted

1.4.1 - March 26, 2021

Compatibility: WordPress 5.6.2 — 6.7.2

List of changes between potenza v1.4.0 and v1.4.1

* REMOVED: Compatibility code for wp_body_open() in WordPress versions older than v5.2
  M functions.php

* ADDED: Typography control for the menu
  M functions.php
  M inc/customizer/generated-styles/global.php
  M inc/customizer/generated-styles.php
  M inc/customizer/preview/global.js
  M inc/customizer/sections/global/typography.php

* FIXED: The "Semibold" font weight label would display 500 as the font weight number instead of the correct 600.
  M inc/class-fonts-list.php

* FIXED: Conditional metaboxes wouldn't work in WP 5.7
  M inc/custom-fields-page.php
  M inc/helpers-post-meta.php

* CHANGED: Theme version to 1.4.1
* UPDATED: Language files
  M languages/potenza.pot
  M style.css
  M style.min.css
  M style.scss

1.4.0 - November 4, 2019

Compatibility: WordPress 5.2.3+

List of changes between potenza v1.3.1 (rev. 27420) and v1.4.0 (rev. 27632)

* FIXED: Small square thumb increased to 150x150
  M functions.php

* FIXED: Widgets would throw a notice when used from a builder (such as Elementor) where a widget area ID is not defined.
  M inc/widgets/clients.php
  M inc/widgets/contact.php
  M inc/widgets/custom-content.php
  M inc/widgets/latest-posts.php
  M inc/widgets/pricing-table.php
  M inc/widgets/services.php
  M inc/widgets/team.php
  M inc/widgets/testimonials.php

* FIXED: Old Custom CSS field migration would re-trigger in some installations.
  M functions.php

* ADDED: Extended typography controls
  M css/inc/_ci-base.scss
  M css/inc/_footer.scss
  M css/inc/_header.scss
  M css/inc/_modules.scss
  M css/inc/_navigation.scss
  M css/inc/_variables.scss
  M css/inc/_widgets.scss
  A css/typography-default.css
  A css/typography-default.min.css
  A css/typography-default.scss
  A css/typography-gfont.css
  A css/typography-gfont.min.css
  A css/typography-gfont.scss
  M functions.php
  M ignitefile.js
  A inc/class-fonts-list.php
  M inc/css/post-meta.css
  A inc/css/post-meta.min.css
  A inc/customizer
  A inc/customizer/class-ci-theme-customizer-css-generator.php
  A inc/customizer/controls
  A inc/customizer/controls/static-text
  A inc/customizer/controls/static-text/static-text.php
  A inc/customizer/controls/style.css
  A inc/customizer/controls/style.min.css
  A inc/customizer/controls/style.scss
  A inc/customizer/controls/typography
  A inc/customizer/controls/typography/_style.scss
  A inc/customizer/controls/typography/customizer.js
  A inc/customizer/controls/typography/typography.php
  A inc/customizer/generated-styles
  A inc/customizer/generated-styles/global.php
  A inc/customizer/generated-styles.php
  A inc/customizer/partial-callbacks.php
  A inc/customizer/preview
  A inc/customizer/preview/global.js
  A inc/customizer/preview/preview.js
  A inc/customizer/sections
  A inc/customizer/sections/global
  A inc/customizer/sections/global/typography.php
  D inc/customizer-controls
  M inc/customizer-styles.php
  M inc/customizer.php
  A inc/fonts.json
  M inc/helpers.php
  M inc/sanitization.php
  M style.css
  M style.min.css

* UPDATED: Language files
* CHANGED: Theme version to 1.4.0
  M languages/ci-theme.pot
  M style.css
  M style.min.css
  M style.scss

1.3.1 - October 11, 2019

Compatibility: WordPress 5.2.2+

List of changes between potenza v1.3 (rev. 23883) and v1.3.1 (rev. 27420)

* FIXED: Metaboxes bound to specific post formats (if any), wouldn't appear on initial page load inside the new block editor.
  M inc/helpers-post-meta.php

* FIXED: A change event is now triggered when a repeating field item is removed.
  M js/admin/repeating-fields.js

* FIXED: A bug would cause ci_theme_hex2rgba() to return rgb() instead of rgba() values, when passed a valid opacity number.
  M inc/functions.php

* ADDED: Call to wp_body_open() (since WP v5.2)
* ADDED: Conditionally declare wp_body_open() if it doesn't exist, for back-compat with earlier WP versions (pre v5.2)
  M functions.php
  M header-empty.php
  M header.php

* REMOVED: Google+ Social Icon
* ADDED: Trip Advisor Social Icon
* ADDED: Telegram Social Icon
  M functions.php

* FIXED: Force term recount after import.
  M functions.php

* CHANGED: logo to div from h1
* ADDDED: Minified stylesheets
  A css/admin/alpha-color-picker.min.css
  A css/admin/nav-menus.min.css
  A css/admin/repeating-fields.min.css
  A css/admin/widgets.min.css
  A css/base.min.css
  A css/flexslider.min.css
  A css/font-awesome.min.css
  M css/inc/_header.scss
  A css/magnific.min.css
  A css/mmenu.min.css
  M header.php
  M style.css
  A style.min.css

* ADDED: New featured image size for the fullwidth template
* FIXED: Lightbox on single templates.
  M functions.php
  M page.php
  M single.php
  M template-fullwidth.php

* FIXED: Heading hierarchy on widgets and related posts
  M inc/widgets/pricing-table.php
  M inc/widgets/services.php
  M inc/widgets/slider.php
  M inc/widgets/team.php
  M item-related.php
  M item.php
  M part-related.php

* FIXED: Resized post listing, team and testimonial thumbnails
  M css/inc/_modules.scss
  M functions.php
  M inc/widgets/team.php
  M inc/widgets/testimonials.php
  M style.css
  M style.min.css

* REMOVED: unused stylesheets
  D css/admin/nav-menus.css
  D css/admin/nav-menus.min.css
  D css/admin/nav-menus.scss

* CHANGED: Theme version to 1.3.1
* UPDATED: Language files
  M languages/ci-theme.pot
  M style.css
  M style.min.css
  M style.scss

1.3 - December 7, 2018

Compatibility: WordPress 4.9+

List of changes between potenza v1.2 (rev. 21581) and v1.3 (rev. 23883)

* FIXED: A condition was erroneously placed inside a count() call, triggering a warning in PHP >= 7.2.x
  M inc/helpers.php

* ADDED: Add styles for Gutenberg
  A common
  A common/common.php
  A common/css
  A common/css/global.css
  A common/css/global.scss
  A common/css/inc
  A common/css/inc/_gutenberg.scss
  M functions.php

* FIXED: Migrated theme's custom css in favor of WordPress's native Custom CSS option.
* REMOVED: Theme's custom css option.
* REMOVED: 'other' customizer section.
  M functions.php
  M inc/customizer-styles.php
  M inc/customizer.php

* FIXED: Fix an issue where the incorrect height would be calculated for the sticky header
  M js/scripts.js

* FIXED: wrong font name in translators string
  M functions.php

* FIXED: Page template-bound metaboxes, wouldn't behave correctly in Gutenberg mode (where applicable).
  M inc/helpers-post-meta.php

* FIXED: Post format-bound metaboxes (where applicable) now work properly with Gutenberg.
  M inc/helpers-post-meta.php

* FIXED: Admin notice regarding the sample content, wouldn't persist its state when dismissed from within the block editor.
  M inc/helpers.php
  M inc/js/sample-content.js

* Updated language file.
* Changed version to 1.3
  M css/magnific.css
  M languages/ci-theme.pot
  M style.css
  M style.scss

1.2 - May 17, 2018

Compatibility: WordPress 4.8+

List of changes between potenza v1.1 (rev. 19529) and v1.2 (rev. 21581)

* FIXED: WordPress 4.9 by default calls wpautop() on author descriptions.
  M part-authorbox.php

* FIXED: Added lang file header so that Poedit will recognise "translators:" comments.
  M languages/ci-theme.pot

* ADDED: Support for Elementor Pro v2.0 locations.
  M 404.php
  A archive.php
  M footer.php
  M functions.php
  M header.php
  A inc/elementor.php
  M index.php
  M page.php
  M search.php
  M single.php

* FIXED: waypoint-sticky would throw errors on pages that used Elementor.
  M functions.php

* Updated language file.
* Changed version to 1.2
  M languages/ci-theme.pot
  M style.css
  M style.scss

1.1 - September 20, 2017

Compatibility: WordPress 4.7+

List of changes between potenza v1.0 (rev. 15579) and v1.1 (rev. 19529)

* REMOVED: Obsolete title options from customizer
  M inc/customizer.php
  D part-title.php

* ADDED: Option to open social networks in a new tab
  M inc/customizer.php
  M part-social-icons.php

* FIXED: Logo padding bottom wouldn't get applied if a respective top padding wasn't defined.
  M inc/customizer-styles.php

* FIXED: Lightbox duplicate data attribute issue.
* FIXED: Lightbox now works for native galleries.
  M functions.php
  M js/scripts.js

* FIXED: Removed publicly facing guide text from authorbox, that was displayed when the author had no Biographic info entered, and the authorbox was set to display.
  M part-authorbox.php

* CHANGED: Parent and child theme stylesheets are now handled differently.
* REMOVED: Style handle 'ci-theme-style-child' is no longer available.
* CHANGED: Style handle 'ci-theme-style' now always points to the active theme's stylesheet, no matter if it's a child theme or not. (Previously, was always pointing to the parent theme).
* ADDED: Style handle 'ci-theme-style-parent' is now available, only when a child theme is active.
* ADDED: Style meta-handle 'ci-theme-dependencies' is now available. If you need not to load a theme-bundled style, this is where it needs to be removed from.
  M functions.php

* FIXED: Page (usually listing related) metaboxes would all appear when editing the page designated as the "Posts page" from Settings > Reading. Since WP 4.6, the page template selection metabox is not included in the edit page interface, making the related JS-bound metaboxes all visible by default.
  M inc/helpers-post-meta.php

* FIXED: Corrected theme name in language file.
* Updated lang file.
  M languages/ci-theme.pot

* UPDATED: Font Awesome v4.7.0
  M css/font-awesome.css
  M fonts/FontAwesome.otf
  M fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot
  M fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg
  M fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
  M fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff
  M fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2
  M functions.php

* FIXED: Customizer would throw warnings on WP 4.7
* FIXED: Custom background support for WP 4.7
  M inc/customizer-styles.php
  M inc/customizer.php

* ADDED: Introduced ci_theme_color_luminance() and ci_theme_hex2rgba()
  M inc/functions.php

* FIXED: alpha-color-picker loaded by plugins would break visually.
  M inc/css/post-meta.css

* FIXED: alpha-color-picker now triggers a Customizer update when the value changes.
  M js/admin/alpha-color-picker.js

* FIXED: Proper escaping of search form attributes.
  M searchform.php

* ADDED: Support for One Click Demo Import.
  M functions.php

* updated language files
* Changed version to 1.1
  M languages/ci-theme.pot
  M style.css
  M style.scss

1.0 - September 13, 2016

Compatibility: WordPress 4.5+

Initial release

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