Changelog for Olsen Light


  • A => A file has been (A)dded
  • M => A file has been (M)odified
  • D => A file has been (D)eleted

1.7.0 - September 15, 2021

Compatibility: WordPress 5.8.0 — 6.6.2

List of changes between olsen-light v1.6.2 and v1.7.0

* REMOVED: Unnecessary letter spacings
* UPDATED: Headings Typography sizes
  M css/inc/_ci-base.scss
  M css/inc/_comments.scss
  M css/inc/_header.scss
  M css/inc/_mediaqueries.scss
  M css/inc/_modules.scss
  M css/inc/_navigation.scss
  M css/inc/_wp-defaults.scss
  M style.css
  M style.min.css

* REMOVED: Styles for Flicker widget
* REMOVED: Styles for Twitter widget
* UPDATED: CSS Flex main nav bar (replace floats)
  M css/inc/_comments.scss
  M css/inc/_footer.scss
  M css/inc/_header.scss
  M css/inc/_mediaqueries.scss
  M css/inc/_modules.scss
  M css/inc/_navigation.scss
  M css/inc/_widgets.scss
  M header.php
  M style.css
  M style.min.css

* UPDATED: Footer Bar CSS Flex'ed.
* UPDATED: Top Bar CSS Flex'ed.
  M css/inc/_header.scss
  M css/inc/_mediaqueries.scss
  M css/inc/_modules.scss
  M css/inc/_wp-defaults.scss
  M footer.php
  M header.php
  M style.css
  M style.min.css

* ADDED: A link to the theme's documentation explaining the top bar toggle functionality
  M inc/customizer/customizer.php

* CHANGED: Tiny Slider scripts only load when the slider is enabled.
  M inc/scripts-styles.php
  M js/scripts.js
  M js/scripts.min.js
  A js/tiny-slider-init.js
  A js/tiny-slider-init.min.js

* FIXED: Pagination container in single posts is not output if the pagination is not available.
  M single.php

* CHANGED: Replaced menu search with pop up version.
  M css/inc/_modules.scss
  M header.php
  M inc/scripts-styles.php
  M js/scripts.js
  M style.css
  M style.min.css

* FIXED: Issue where theme would not load style.css minified
* CHANGED: Google Font is now preloaded with font swap enabled
* ADDED: rel noopener to social links when they open in a new window
  M inc/default-hooks.php
  M inc/helpers.php
  M inc/scripts-styles.php
  M part-social-icons.php
  M part-social-sharing.php

* CHANGED: Replaced Font Awesome with Olsen Icons
  M css/inc/_ci-base.scss
  M css/inc/_comments.scss
  M css/inc/_extends.scss
  M css/inc/_mobile-nav.scss
  M css/inc/_modules.scss
  M css/inc/_navigation.scss
  M css/inc/_variables.scss
  M css/inc/_widgets.scss
  M header.php
  M inc/helpers.php
  M inc/scripts-styles.php
  M js/scripts.js
  M js/scripts.min.js
  M part-social-icons.php
  M part-social-sharing.php
  M readme.txt
  M searchform.php
  M style.css
  M style.min.css
  M style.scss
  D vendor/fontawesome
  A vendor/olsen-icons
  A vendor/olsen-icons/css
  A vendor/olsen-icons/css/olsen-icons.css
  A vendor/olsen-icons/css/olsen-icons.min.css
  A vendor/olsen-icons/fonts
  A vendor/olsen-icons/fonts/olsen-icons.eot
  A vendor/olsen-icons/fonts/olsen-icons.svg
  A vendor/olsen-icons/fonts/olsen-icons.ttf
  A vendor/olsen-icons/fonts/olsen-icons.woff
  A vendor/olsen-icons/fonts/olsen-icons.woff2

* ADDED: TikTok to social icon options
  M inc/helpers.php

* CHANGED: Simple lightbox scripts and styles now only load on single items.
  M css/inc/_ci-base.scss
  M css/inc/_modules.scss
  M inc/scripts-styles.php
  M js/scripts.js
  M js/scripts.min.js
  A js/simple-lightbox-init.js
  A js/simple-lightbox-init.min.js
  M style.css
  M style.min.css

* REMOVED: Integrated simple lightbox theme styles
  D css/simple-lightbox-theme.css
  D css/simple-lightbox-theme.min.css
  D css/simple-lightbox-theme.scss

* FIXED: Improved RTL styles
  M ignitefile.js
  M inc/scripts-styles.php
  M rtl.css
  M rtl.min.css
  M rtl.scss
  M style.css
  M style.min.css

* UPDATED: Language files
* UPDATED: readme.txt
* UPDATED: Theme version to 1.7.0
  M languages/olsen-light.pot
  M readme.txt
  M style.css
  M style.min.css
  M style.scss

1.6.3 - June 16, 2021

Compatibility: WordPress 5.7.1+ - WooCommerce 5.4.1+

List of changes between olsen-light v1.6.1 and v1.6.2

* FIXED: One Click Demo Import v3.0.0 changed their page's slug, so the theme's related onboarding link stopped working.
  M inc/onboarding/onboarding-page.php

* CHANGED: Theme description
* UPDATED: Theme version to 1.6.2
* UPDATED: Tested up to to 5.7.2
  M readme.txt
  M style.css
  M style.min.css
  M style.scss

1.6.1 - February 15, 2021

Compatibility: WordPress 5.6+

List of changes between olsen-light v1.6.0 and v1.6.1

* FIXED: An issue where the mobile navigation would break in some cases.
* FIXED: Optimized the delivery of some assets
  A css/simple-lightbox-theme.css
  A css/simple-lightbox-theme.min.css
  A css/simple-lightbox-theme.scss
  M ignitefile.js
  M inc/helpers.php
  M inc/scripts-styles.php
  M js/scripts.js
  M js/scripts.min.js
  M vendor/fontawesome/font-awesome.min.css
  D vendor/simple-lightbox/simple-lightbox-theme.css
  D vendor/simple-lightbox/simple-lightbox-theme.min.css
  D vendor/simple-lightbox/simple-lightbox-theme.scss
  M vendor/simple-lightbox/simple-lightbox.min.js
  A vendor/tiny-slider/tiny-slider.min.js

* CHANGED: Theme version to 1.6.1
* UPDATED: readme.txt
  M style.css
  M style.min.css
  M style.scss
  M readme.txt

1.6.0 - February 9, 2021

Compatibility: WordPress 5.6+

List of changes between olsen-light v1.5.2 and v1.6.0

* REPLACED: Slick slider with Tiny Slider 2
* REPLACED: Magnific pop-up with simplelightbox
* FIXED: Cleaned up some helper files
* CHANGED: Mobile menu is now vanilla JS
* REMOVED: Superfish
* FIXED: Issue where hidden footer socials would output an empty wrapper
  M css/inc/_extends.scss
  M css/inc/_mediaqueries.scss
  M css/inc/_modules.scss
  M css/inc/_navigation.scss
  M css/inc/_variables.scss
  M footer.php
  M functions.php
  M ignitefile.js
  M inc/helpers.php
  M inc/post-meta/assets/post-meta.js
  M inc/post-meta/helpers-post-meta.php
  M inc/scripts-styles.php
  M js/scripts.js
  M js/scripts.min.js
  M part-slider.php
  M readme.txt
  M style.css
  M style.min.css
  M style.scss
  M vendor/fontawesome/font-awesome.min.css
  D vendor/magnific
  A vendor/simple-lightbox
  A vendor/simple-lightbox/simple-lightbox-theme.css
  A vendor/simple-lightbox/simple-lightbox-theme.min.css
  A vendor/simple-lightbox/simple-lightbox-theme.scss
  A vendor/simple-lightbox/simple-lightbox.css
  A vendor/simple-lightbox/simple-lightbox.js
  A vendor/simple-lightbox/simple-lightbox.min.css
  A vendor/simple-lightbox/simple-lightbox.min.js
  D vendor/slick
  D vendor/superfish
  A vendor/tiny-slider
  A vendor/tiny-slider/tiny-slider.css
  A vendor/tiny-slider/tiny-slider.js
  A vendor/tiny-slider/tiny-slider.min.css
  A vendor/tiny-slider/tiny-slider.scss

* UPDATED: Language files
* CHANGED: Theme version to 1.6.0
  M css/inc/_external.scss
  M languages/olsen-light.pot
  M style.css
  M style.min.css
  M style.scss

1.5.2 - December 18, 2020

Compatibility: WordPress 5.5.3+

List of changes between olsen-light v1.5.1 and v1.5.2

* FIXED: Main page titles are now H1 instead of H2.
  M 404.php
  M page.php
  M template-fullwidth.php

* UPATED: Update related / widget titles from h2 to h4
  M content-entry-widget.php
  M css/inc/_modules.scss
  M ignitefile.js
  M style.css
  M style.min.css

* Updated language file.
* Changed version to 1.5.2
  M languages/olsen-light.pot
  M readme.txt
  M style.css
  M style.min.css
  M style.scss

1.5.1 - August 14, 2020

Compatibility: WordPress 5.4.2+

List of changes between olsen-light v1.5.0 (rev. 30318) and v1.5.1 (rev. 30375)

* FIXED: An issue where the logo upload options would not appear.
  M inc/customizer/customizer.php

* UPDATED: theme version to 1.5.1
  M readme.txt
  M style.css
  M style.min.css
  M style.scss

1.5.0 - August 10, 2020

Compatibility: WordPress 5.4.1+

List of changes between olsen-light v1.4 (rev. 29537) and v1.5.0 (rev. 30315)

* FIXED: Issue with post items overlapping on mobile devices.
  M css/inc/_mediaqueries.scss
  M style.css
  M style.min.css

* FIXED: Issue where posts would overlap on mobile devices when Two Columns - Sidebar layout was selected.
  M 404.php
  M css/inc/_mediaqueries.scss
  M css/inc/_widgets.scss
  M index.php
  M js/scripts.js
  M page.php
  M single.php
  M style.css
  M style.min.css
  M template-builder.php
  M template-fullwidth.php

* CHANGED: Grid is now based on bootstrap 4
  M 404.php
  M content-entry.php
  D css/base.css
  D css/base.min.css
  M css/inc/_ci-base.scss
  M css/inc/_comments.scss
  M css/inc/_extends.scss
  A css/inc/_grid.scss
  M css/inc/_mediaqueries.scss
  M css/inc/_modules.scss
  A css/inc/_normalize.scss
  M css/inc/_variables.scss
  M css/inc/_widgets.scss
  M css/inc/_wp-defaults.scss
  A css/inc/mixins
  A css/inc/mixins/_grid.scss
  M footer.php
  M functions.php
  M header.php
  M index.php
  D js/jquery.matchHeight.js
  D js/jquery.matchHeight.min.js
  M js/scripts.js
  M page.php
  M part-related.php
  M readme.txt
  M single.php
  M style.css
  M style.min.css
  M style.scss
  M template-fullwidth.php

* CHANGED: Cleaned up functions.php
* CHANGED: Restructured Customizer folder.
* REMOVED: mmenu
* ADDED: Custom mobile menu solution
* REMOVED: FitVids.js
* ADDED: CSS based solution for responsive embeds.
* CHANGED: Moved all 3rd party assets to the vendor folder.
* RENAMED: olsen-customizer script handle to olsen-customizer-scripts
  D common
  D css/admin/customizer-styles.css
  D css/admin/customizer-styles.min.css
  D css/admin/customizer-styles.scss
  A css/admin/editor-styles.css
  A css/admin/editor-styles.min.css
  D css/admin/editor.css
  D css/admin/editor.min.css
  M css/inc/_external.scss
  A css/inc/_mobile-nav.scss
  M css/inc/_modules.scss
  A css/inc/_wp-blocks.scss
  D css/mmenu.css
  D css/mmenu.min.css
  D fonts
  M footer.php
  M functions.php
  D inc/css
  A inc/customizer
  A inc/customizer/assets
  A inc/customizer/assets/customizer-scripts.js
  A inc/customizer/assets/customizer-scripts.min.js
  A inc/customizer/assets/customizer-styles.css
  A inc/customizer/assets/customizer-styles.min.css
  A inc/customizer/assets/customizer-styles.scss
  A inc/customizer/customizer-controls
  A inc/customizer/customizer-styles.php
  A inc/customizer/customizer.php
  A inc/customizer/options
  A inc/customizer/options/footer.php
  A inc/customizer/options/header.php
  A inc/customizer/options/homepage.php
  A inc/customizer/options/layout.php
  A inc/customizer/options/single-post.php
  A inc/customizer/options/site-tagline.php
  A inc/customizer/options/social.php
  A inc/customizer/options/theme-upgrade.php
  A inc/customizer/options/top-bar.php
  D inc/customizer-controls
  D inc/customizer-styles.php
  D inc/customizer.php
  A inc/default-hooks.php
  D inc/functions.php
  D inc/helpers-post-meta.php
  M inc/helpers.php
  D inc/js
  A inc/layout.php
  A inc/post-meta
  A inc/post-meta/assets
  A inc/post-meta/assets/post-meta.css
  A inc/post-meta/assets/post-meta.js
  A inc/post-meta/helpers-post-meta.php
  M inc/sanitization.php
  A inc/scripts-styles.php
  A inc/sidebars-widgets.php
  D js/admin
  D js/jquery.fitvids.js
  D js/jquery.fitvids.min.js
  D js/jquery.mmenu.autoheight.js
  D js/jquery.mmenu.autoheight.min.js
  D js/jquery.mmenu.navbars.js
  D js/jquery.mmenu.navbars.min.js
  D js/jquery.mmenu.offcanvas.js
  D js/jquery.mmenu.offcanvas.min.js
  D js/jquery.mmenu.oncanvas.js
  D js/jquery.mmenu.oncanvas.min.js
  M js/scripts.js
  M js/scripts.min.js
  M readme.txt
  M style.css
  M style.min.css
  M style.scss
  A vendor
  A vendor/fontawesome
  A vendor/fontawesome/FontAwesome.otf
  A vendor/fontawesome/font-awesome.css
  A vendor/fontawesome/font-awesome.min.css
  A vendor/fontawesome/fontawesome-webfont.eot
  A vendor/fontawesome/fontawesome-webfont.svg
  A vendor/fontawesome/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
  A vendor/fontawesome/fontawesome-webfont.woff
  A vendor/fontawesome/fontawesome-webfont.woff2
  A vendor/magnific
  A vendor/magnific/jquery.magnific-popup.js
  A vendor/magnific/jquery.magnific-popup.min.js
  A vendor/magnific/magnific.css
  A vendor/magnific/magnific.min.css
  A vendor/magnific/magnific.scss
  A vendor/magnific/settings
  A vendor/magnific/settings/_settings.scss
  A vendor/slick
  A vendor/slick/slick.css
  A vendor/slick/slick.js
  A vendor/slick/slick.min.css
  A vendor/slick/slick.min.js
  A vendor/superfish
  A vendor/superfish/superfish.js
  A vendor/superfish/superfish.min.js

* CHANGED: Theme version to 1.5.0
* UPDATED: Language files
* UPDATED: readme.txt
  M languages/olsen-light.pot
  M readme.txt
  M style.css
  M style.min.css
  M style.scss

1.3.2 - January 10, 2020

Compatibility: WordPress 5.3.1+

List of changes between olsen-light v1.3.1 (rev. 26887) and v1.3.2 (rev. 28176)

* REMOVED: Compatibility code for wp_body_open() in WordPress versions older than v5.2
  M header.php

* FIXED: Replaced logo h1 with div and single title h2 with h1
  M css/inc/_ci-base.scss
  M css/inc/_header.scss
  M header.php
  M single.php
  M style.css
  M style.min.css

* CHANGED: Theme version to 1.3.2
  M languages/olsen-light.pot
  M style.css
  M style.min.css
  M style.scss

1.3.1 - September 2, 2019

Compatibility: WordPress 5.2.1+

List of changes between olsen-light v1.3.0 (rev. 25089) and v1.3.1 (rev. 26887)

* ADDED: Call to wp_body_open() (since WP v5.2) with backward compatibility for earlier versions.
  M header.php

* REMOVED: Google+ Social Icon
* ADDED: Trip Advisor Social Icon
* ADDED: Telegram Social Icon
  M functions.php

* FIXED: Force term recount after import.
  M functions.php

* REMOVED: One Click Demo Import no longer supports automatic loading of sample content files, as required by the Theme Review guidelines.
  M inc/helpers.php
  M functions.php

* Updated language files.
* Changed version to 1.3.1
  M languages/olsen-light.pot
  M readme.txt
  M style.css
  M style.min.css
  M style.scss

1.3.0 - April 10, 2019

Compatibility: WordPress 5.0+

List of changes between olsen-light v1.2.3 (rev. 24942) and v1.3.0 (rev. 25089)

* REPLACED: G+ sharing link with LinkedIn sharing link
  M part-social-sharing.php

* ADDED: Top Bar
  M css/inc/_header.scss
  M css/inc/_mediaqueries.scss
  M css/inc/_navigation.scss
  M functions.php
  M header.php
  M inc/customizer.php
  M js/scripts.js
  M style.css
  M style.min.css

* ADDED: Search in main menu bar
  M css/inc/_mediaqueries.scss
  M css/inc/_modules.scss
  M header.php
  M inc/customizer.php
  M style.css
  M style.min.css

* updated language files
* changed theme version to 1.3.0
* updated readme.txt with changelog
  M languages/olsen-light.pot
  M readme.txt
  M style.css
  M style.min.css
  M style.scss

1.2.3 - March 29, 2019

Compatibility: WordPress 5.0+

List of changes between olsen-light v1.2.2 (rev. 23727) and v1.2.3 (rev. 24942)

* FIXED: Metaboxes bound to specific post formats (if any), wouldn't appear on initial page load inside the new block editor.
  M inc/helpers-post-meta.php

* IMPROVED: Styles for Mailchimp Widget Plugin
* IMPROVED: Front page carousel arrows position
* FIXED: GDPR Consent checkbox
* FIXED: Read more button padding
* ADDED: Add .opening class in TinyMCE Format Dropdown
* ADDED: First letter style in .opening
  A css/admin/customizer-styles.min.css
  A css/admin/editor.min.css
  A css/base.min.css
  A css/font-awesome.min.css
  M css/inc/_comments.scss
  M css/inc/_external.scss
  M css/inc/_mediaqueries.scss
  M css/inc/_modules.scss
  M css/magnific.css
  A css/magnific.min.css
  A css/mmenu.min.css
  A css/slick.min.css
  M functions.php
  A rtl.min.css
  M style.css
  A style.min.css
  M style.scss

* updated language files
* preserved theme header in minified stylesheet
  M css/magnific.css
  M languages/olsen-light.pot
  M style.css
  M style.min.css
  M style.scss

* updated readme.txt
  M readme.txt

1.2.2 - December 6, 2018

Compatibility: WordPress 5.0+

List of changes between olsen-light v1.2.1 (rev. 22362) and v1.2.2 (rev. 23727)

* changed tested up to version to 4.9.7
  M readme.txt

* ADDED: Add styles for Gutenberg.
  A common
  A common/common.php
  A common/css
  A common/css/global.css
  A common/css/global.scss
  A common/css/inc
  A common/css/inc/_gutenberg.scss
  M functions.php

* FIXED: Page template-bound metaboxes, wouldn't behave correctly in Gutenberg mode (where applicable).
  M inc/helpers-post-meta.php

* FIXED: Post format-bound metaboxes (where applicable) now work properly with Gutenberg.
  M inc/helpers-post-meta.php

* FIXED: Admin notice regarding the sample content, wouldn't persist its state when dismissed from within the block editor.
  M inc/helpers.php
  M inc/js/sample-content.js

* Updated lang file.
* Changed version to 1.2.2
  M css/magnific.css
  M footer.php
  M inc/customizer.php
  M js/admin/customizer-scripts.js
  M languages/olsen-light.pot
  M readme.txt
  M rtl.css
  M style.css
  M style.scss

1.2.1 - July 20, 2018

Compatibility: WordPress 5.0+

List of changes between olsen-light v1.2 (rev. 21954) and v1.2.1 (rev. 22362)

* OCDI support
  M functions.php

* RTL support
  M css/inc/_extends.scss
  M js/scripts.js
  A rtl.css
  A rtl.scss
  M style.css

* changed version to 1.2.1
* updated language files
  M languages/olsen-light.pot
  M readme.txt
  M style.css
  M style.scss

1.2 - June 15, 2018

Compatibility: WordPress 5.0+

List of changes between olsen-light v1.1 (rev. 19684) and v1.2 (rev. 21954)

* FIXED: Added lang file header so that Poedit will recognise "translators:" comments.
  M languages/olsen-light.pot

* FIXED: ci_theme_lightbox_rel() would throw a warning when creating a new post.
  M functions.php

* ADDED: site wide social icons
* ADDED: related posts to classic blog listing
* REMOVED: gulpfile.js
* ADDED: ignitefile.js
  M content-entry.php
  M css/admin/customizer-styles.css
  M css/inc/_mediaqueries.scss
  M css/inc/_modules.scss
  M css/magnific.css
  D gulpfile.js
  M header.php
  A ignitefile.js
  M inc/customizer.php
  D package.json
  M part-related.php
  M style.css

* changed version to 1.2
* updated language files
  M languages/olsen-light.pot
  M style.css
  M style.scss

* UPDATED: readme.txt
  M readme.txt

1.1 - October 11, 2017

Compatibility: WordPress 5.0+

List of changes between olsen-light v1.0.3 (rev. 15909) and v1.1 (rev. 19684)

* FIXED: Logo padding bottom wouldn’t get applied if a respective top padding wasn’t defined.
  M inc/customizer-styles.php

* FIXED: Page (usually listing related) metaboxes would all appear when editing the page designated as the "Posts page" from Settings > Reading. Since WP 4.6, the page template selection metabox is not included in the edit page interface, making the related JS-bound metaboxes all visible by default.
  M inc/helpers-post-meta.php

* UPDATED: Font Awesome v4.7.0
  M css/font-awesome.css
  M fonts/FontAwesome.otf
  M fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot
  M fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg
  M fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
  M fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff
  M fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2
  M functions.php
  M readme.txt

* CHANGED: Moved ci_theme_get_social_networks() into /functions.php
  M functions.php
  M inc/functions.php

* FIXED: alpha-color-picker loaded by plugins would break visually.
  M inc/css/post-meta.css

* FIXED: Proper escaping of search for attributes.
  M searchform.php

* ADDED: second blog layout
* ADDED: home slider
  M content-entry.php
  M functions.php
  A inc/customizer-controls/slick.php
  M inc/customizer.php
  M index.php
  M js/scripts.js
  A part-slider.php

* FIXED: an issue where no default layout classes were applied
* FIXED: removed extra padding from content on listing pages
  M content-entry.php
  M functions.php
  M index.php

* FIXED: Escaped gettext calls.
  M inc/customizer-controls/slick.php
  M part-slider.php

* Updated theme tags.
* Updated lang files.
* Changed version to 1.1
  M languages/olsen-light.pot
  M style.css
  M style.scss

* Updated screenshot
  M screenshot.png

* Updated changelog
  M readme.txt

1.0.3 - September 30, 2016

Compatibility: WordPress 5.0+

List of changes between olsen-light v1.0.2 (rev. 13755) and v1.0.3 (rev. 15909)

* UPDATED: Font Awesome v4.6.1
  M css/font-awesome.css
  M fonts/FontAwesome.otf
  M fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot
  M fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg
  M fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
  M fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff
  M fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2
  M functions.php

* ADDED: Introduced ci_theme_can_use_plugin()
  M inc/helpers.php

* UPDATED: Font Awesome v4.6.3
  M css/font-awesome.css
  M fonts/FontAwesome.otf
  M fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot
  M fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg
  M fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
  M fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff
  M fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2
  M functions.php

* ADDED: Sample content URL is now filterable via the 'ci_theme_sample_content_url' filter (where ci_theme is the theme name)
  M inc/helpers.php
  A inc/js/sample-content.js

* ADDED: Page builder template
  A template-builder.php

* Changed version to 1.0.3
  M style.css
  M style.scss

* CHANGED: all CSSIgniter urls to https
* CHANGED: Requires at least: changed to 4.5
* CHANGED: Tested up to: changed to 4.6.1
* Updated changelog
  M footer.php
  M inc/customizer.php
  M languages/olsen-light.pot
  M readme.txt
  M style.css
  M style.scss

1.0.2 - March 19, 2016

Compatibility: WordPress 5.0+

List of changes between olsen-light v1.0.1 (rev. 13422) and v1.0.2 (rev. 13755)

* FIXED: "Creating object from empty value" warning on customizer when there are no pages.
  M inc/customizer.php

* FIXED: Improved footer message wording and sanitization. It is now entirely translatable/changeable via language files.
  M footer.php

* ADDED: Introduced ci_theme_get_allowed_tags() utility function for use with wp_kses()
  M inc/sanitization.php

* ADDED: Option to make social buttons and sharing links open in a new tab.
  M inc/customizer.php
  M part-social-icons.php
  M part-social-sharing.php

* ADDED: Added customizer option to display content or excerpt (default: content).
  M content-entry.php
  M inc/customizer.php

* REMOVED: Unused constant declaration CI_WHITELABEL
  M functions.php

* Updated readme/changelog.
* Updated lang files.
* Changed version to 1.0.2
  M languages/olsen-light.pot
  M readme.txt
  M style.css
  M style.scss

1.0.1 - January 26, 2016

Compatibility: WordPress 5.0+

List of changes between olsen-light v1.0 (rev. 12851) and v1.0.1 (rev. 13422)

* FIXED: Fixed inline documentation of ci_theme_sanitize_intval_or_empty()
  M inc/sanitization.php

* UPDATED: font-awesome v4.5.0
  M css/font-awesome.css
  M fonts/FontAwesome.otf
  M fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot
  M fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg
  M fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
  M fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff
  M fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2
  M functions.php

* FIXED: Wrapped widgets in if class_exists() calls.
  M inc/widgets/about-me.php
  M inc/widgets/latest-posts.php
  M inc/widgets/newsletter.php
  M inc/widgets/socials.php

* FIXED: Improved security on sample content dismiss.
  M inc/helpers.php

* FIXED: Prefixed some localized JS variables.
* DELETED: Removed Newsletter widget. Same effect can be achieved by wrapping your newsletter form in a <div class="widget_ci_newsletter">Your code here</div> element.
  M functions.php
  M inc/helpers-post-meta.php
  M inc/js/post-meta.js
  D inc/widgets/newsletter.php
  M readme.txt
  M style.css
  M style.scss

* FIXED: Pass text of About Me widget through wp_kses_post() on output.
  M inc/widgets/about-me.php

* Changed version to 1.0.1
* Updated lang file.
  M languages/olsen-light.pot
  M style.css
  M style.scss

1.0 - October 10, 2015

Compatibility: WordPress 5.0+

Initial Release

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