Changelog for Beat – Legacy
- A => A file has been (A)dded
- M => A file has been (M)odified
- D => A file has been (D)eleted
1.3.1 - September 17, 2020
Compatibility: WordPress 5.5.0 — 6.7.1 - WooCommerce 4.5.2+
List of changes between beat v1.3.0 (rev. 30639) and v1.3.1 (rev. 30932)
* CHANGED: Updated typography option labels
* REMOVED: Default colors for sticky header since they were not applied by default.
* FIXED: Issue where right menu items on split menus would appear as submenus on left menu items.
* FIXED: Issue where smooth scroll would prevent navigating to anchors outside the current page.
* FIXED: Issue with global section posts appearing in WordPress search results.
M inc/customizer/defaults.php
M inc/customizer/sections/blog/typography.php
M inc/customizer/sections/footer/typography.php
M inc/customizer/sections/footer_credits/typography.php
M inc/customizer/sections/global/typography.php
M inc/customizer/sections/header/typography.php
M inc/customizer/sections/hero/typography.php
M inc/customizer/sections/sidebar/typography.php
M inc/customizer/sections/top_bar/typography.php
M js/scripts.js
M plugins/beat-plugin/custom-fields/custom-fields-global-section.php
* CHANGED: Theme version to 1.3.1
* CHANGED: Plugin version to 1.3.1
* UPDATED: Language files
M inc/onboarding.php
M js/scripts.min.js
M languages/ci-theme.pot
M plugins/beat-plugin/beat-plugin.php
M style.css
M style.min.css
M style.pkg.min.css
M style.scss
1.3.0 - September 1, 2020
Compatibility: WordPress 5.4.2+ - WooCommerce 4.4.1+
List of changes between beat v1.2.1 (rev. 29297) and v1.3.0 (rev. 30616)
* FIXED: Google fonts now enqueue some default variants (additionally to the user-selected ones) on the front-end (400, 400i, 700) as well as on customizer preview.
* FIXED: Customizer typography control now loads fonts list only once.
M inc/customizer/class-ci-theme-customizer-css-generator.php
M inc/customizer/controls/typography/customizer.js
M inc/customizer/controls/typography/typography.php
* FIXED: The "Semibold" font weight label would display 500 as the font weight number instead of the correct 600.
M inc/class-fonts-list.php
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/custom-fields/class-fonts-list.php
* FIXED: Don't try to enqueue a minified version of the child theme's style.css
M inc/default-hooks.php
* FIXED: Lightbox captions wouldn't get properly escaped.
M inc/default-hooks.php
* FIXED: Better excerpt length option sanitization.
M inc/customizer/sections/blog/content.php
* FIXED: Alpha color pickers wouldn't work in WordPress 5.5
* FIXED: Alpha channel in color pickers wouldn't display properly.
* UPDATED: wp-color-picker-alpha to v2.1.4 (our modified version with trigger.change() fixes).
M inc/assets/vendor/wp-color-picker-alpha/wp-color-picker-alpha.js
M inc/assets/vendor/wp-color-picker-alpha/wp-color-picker-alpha.min.js
M inc/customizer/controls/color/_style.scss
M inc/customizer/controls/style.css
M inc/customizer/controls/style.min.css
M inc/scripts-styles.php
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/assets/wp-color-picker-alpha/wp-color-picker-alpha.js
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/assets/wp-color-picker-alpha/wp-color-picker-alpha.min.js
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/ci-theme-plugin.php
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/custom-fields/controls/color/_style.scss
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/custom-fields/meta.css
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/custom-fields/meta.min.css
* FIXED: Typo of the word "documentation".
M inc/onboarding.php
* Updated language files.
* Changed plugin version to 1.3.0
* Changed theme version to 1.3.0
M languages/ci-theme.pot
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/ci-theme-plugin.php
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/languages/ci-theme-plugin.pot
M style.css
M style.min.css
M style.pkg.min.css
M style.scss
1.2.1 - April 9, 2020
Compatibility: WordPress 5.3.2+ - WooCommerce 4.0.1+
List of changes between beat v1.2 (rev. 29270) and v1.2.1 (rev. 29297)
* FIXED: Fix an issue where the footer would collapse in mobile Safari
M css/inc/_mobile-nav.scss
M style.css
M style.min.css
M style.pkg.min.css
* Changed theme version to 1.2.1
M style.css
M style.min.css
M style.pkg.min.css
M style.scss
1.2 - April 4, 2020
Compatibility: WordPress 5.3.2+ - WooCommerce 4.0.1+
List of changes between beat v1.1.0 (rev. 29098) and v1.2 (rev. 29270)
* ADDED: Global secondary font family option.
* FIXED: Newly introduced typography options created a regression where some element got the wrong font, e.g. Discography meta.
M inc/customizer/defaults.php
M inc/customizer/generated-styles/global.php
M inc/customizer/generated-styles.php
M inc/customizer/preview/global.js
M inc/customizer/sections/global/typography.php
* FIXED: Wrong customizer defaults would cause a visual regression where not all applicable elements would be uppercase by default.
M inc/customizer/defaults.php
* REMOVED: Unneeded css/inc/magnific dir and settings file.
D css/inc/magnific
* FIXED: A regression would cause Sticky header and Sticky on mobile, not to work.
M js/scripts.js
M js/scripts.min.js
* CHANGED: WooCommerce scripts and styles load only when the plugin is active.
D css/inc/_ecommerce.scss
M css/inc/_grid-effects.scss
M css/inc/_mediaqueries.scss
M css/inc/_utilities.scss
A css/woocommerce.css
A css/woocommerce.min.css
A css/woocommerce.scss
M inc/scripts-styles.php
M js/scripts.js
M js/scripts.min.js
A js/woocommerce.js
A js/woocommerce.min.js
M style.css
M style.min.css
M style.pkg.min.css
M style.scss
* UPDATED: Improve structure SCSS files inside the main theme stylesheet directory
* UPDATED: Optimize SCSS rules for a less cluttered CSS output
* UPDATED: Small styling adjustments
* UPDATED: Update normalize.css to the latest version
* UPDATED: Block styles are now transferred inside the main theme stylesheet
* REMOVED: Remove “base” stylesheet and transferred it inside the main theme stylesheet
* REMOVED: Remove unnecessary folders (like /common) and transfer editor block styles into the main stylesheet
* REMOVED: Remove pull-*, push-*, and offset-* Bootstrap classes
D common
D css/base.css
D css/base.min.css
D css/base.scss
A css/inc/_animations.scss
A css/inc/_base.scss
M css/inc/_blocks.scss
D css/inc/_ci-base.scss
M css/inc/_comments.scss
D css/inc/_external.scss
M css/inc/_footer.scss
M css/inc/_grid-effects.scss
M css/inc/_grid.scss
M css/inc/_header.scss
M css/inc/_hero.scss
D css/inc/_mediaqueries.scss
M css/inc/_mobile-nav.scss
M css/inc/_modules.scss
M css/inc/_navigation.scss
A css/inc/_normalize.scss
M css/inc/_utilities.scss
A css/inc/_vendor.scss
M css/inc/_widgets.scss
M css/inc/_wp-defaults.scss
M css/inc/mixins/_grid.scss
M css/inc/mixins/_mixins.scss
A css/inc/vendor
A css/inc/vendor/_audioigniter.scss
A css/inc/vendor/_elementor.scss
A css/inc/vendor/_gutenbee.scss
A css/inc/vendor/_jetpack.scss
A css/inc/vendor/_magnific.scss
A css/inc/vendor/_select2.scss
A css/inc/vendor/_wp-instagram.scss
M css/woocommerce.css
M css/woocommerce.min.css
M functions.php
M ignitefile.js
M inc/scripts-styles.php
M js/scripts.js
M js/scripts.min.js
M manifest.json
M rtl.css
M rtl.min.css
M style.css
M style.min.css
M style.pkg.min.css
M style.scss
* CHANGED: Line Height property in Typography controls is now unit-less. Back compatibility is provided (where possible).
M functions.php
M inc/customizer/class-ci-theme-customizer-css-generator.php
M inc/customizer/controls/typography/typography.php
M inc/customizer/customizer.php
M inc/customizer/defaults.php
M inc/customizer/preview/preview.js
A inc/upgrade.php
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/custom-fields/controls/typography/typography.php
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/custom-fields/helpers.php
* UPDATED: .theme-grid block class now respects global site width customizer setting
M inc/customizer/generated-styles/global.php
* Updated language files.
* Changed theme and plugin versions to 1.2
M inc/onboarding.php
M languages/ci-theme.pot
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/ci-theme-plugin.php
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/languages/ci-theme-plugin.pot
M style.css
M style.min.css
M style.pkg.min.css
M style.scss
1.1.0 - March 12, 2020
Compatibility: WordPress 5.3.1+ - WooCommerce 4.0.0+
List of changes between beat v1.0 (rev. 28275) and v1.1.0 (rev. 29098)
* FIXED: A regression would prevent Global Sections to work in non-multisite installations.
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/custom-fields/custom-fields-global-section.php
* FIXED: Incorrect label target IDs, in term meta editing screens.
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/term-meta.php
* FIXED: "Stretch menu" option would not work on the front-end (but would preview properly) when any of the "Menu Top" menu layouts were chosen.
M inc/template-tags.php
* FIXED: Nested calls to ci_theme_spacing_control_defaults_empty_breakpoints()
M functions.php
* FIXED: Renamed wrong filter name 'ci_theme_get_columns_classes' into 'ci_theme_get_blog_columns_classes' inside ci_theme_get_blog_columns_classes()
M functions.php
* ADDED: support for quick view woo
M functions.php
A inc/quick-view-woo.php
* CHANGED: Typography is now based on Customizer options.
* REMOVED: Function ci_theme_fonts_url(), filters 'ci_theme_fonts' and 'ci_theme_fonts_url'.
* REMOVED: Style handles 'ci-theme-google-font', 'ci-theme-typography-google' and 'ci-theme-typography-default'. Files css/typography-gfont.css and css/typography-default.css
M css/inc/_ci-base.scss
D css/typography-default.css
D css/typography-default.min.css
D css/typography-default.scss
D css/typography-gfont.css
D css/typography-gfont.min.css
D css/typography-gfont.scss
M functions.php
M inc/class-fonts-list.php
M inc/customizer/class-ci-theme-customizer-css-generator.php
M inc/customizer/controls/typography/typography.php
M inc/customizer/generated-styles/blog.php
M inc/customizer/generated-styles/footer-credits.php
M inc/customizer/generated-styles/footer.php
M inc/customizer/generated-styles/global.php
M inc/customizer/generated-styles/header.php
M inc/customizer/generated-styles/sidebar.php
M inc/customizer/generated-styles/top_bar.php
M inc/customizer/generated-styles.php
M inc/customizer/sections/blog/typography.php
M inc/customizer/sections/footer/typography.php
M inc/customizer/sections/footer_credits/typography.php
M inc/customizer/sections/global/typography.php
M inc/customizer/sections/header/typography.php
M inc/customizer/sections/hero/typography.php
M inc/customizer/sections/sidebar/typography.php
M inc/customizer/sections/top_bar/typography.php
M inc/fonts.json
M inc/scripts-styles.php
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/custom-fields/class-fonts-list.php
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/custom-fields/controls/typography/_style.scss
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/custom-fields/controls/typography/typography.php
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/custom-fields/fonts.json
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/custom-fields/meta.css
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/custom-fields/meta.min.css
M style.css
M style.min.css
M style.pkg.min.css
* CHANGED: Blog's "Show meta" options are now more fine-grained. Backwards compatibility for existing installations is maintained.
M functions.php
M inc/customizer/sections/blog/content.php
M inc/template-tags.php
* CHANGED: Moved all library assets (scripts/styles) into inc/assets/vendor
D assets
D css/magnific.css
D css/magnific.min.css
D css/magnific.scss
D css/mmenu.css
D css/mmenu.min.css
M ignitefile.js
A inc/assets
A inc/assets/vendor
A inc/assets/vendor/anim-on-scroll
A inc/assets/vendor/anim-on-scroll/anim-on-scroll.js
A inc/assets/vendor/anim-on-scroll/anim-on-scroll.min.js
A inc/assets/vendor/fontawesome
A inc/assets/vendor/imagesloaded
A inc/assets/vendor/imagesloaded/imagesloaded.pkgd.js
A inc/assets/vendor/imagesloaded/imagesloaded.pkgd.min.js
A inc/assets/vendor/isotope
A inc/assets/vendor/isotope/isotope.pkgd.js
A inc/assets/vendor/isotope/isotope.pkgd.min.js
A inc/assets/vendor/magnific
A inc/assets/vendor/magnific/_settings.scss
A inc/assets/vendor/magnific/jquery.magnific-popup.js
A inc/assets/vendor/magnific/jquery.magnific-popup.min.js
A inc/assets/vendor/magnific/magnific.css
A inc/assets/vendor/magnific/magnific.min.css
A inc/assets/vendor/magnific/magnific.scss
A inc/assets/vendor/mmenu
A inc/assets/vendor/mmenu/jquery.mmenu.autoheight.js
A inc/assets/vendor/mmenu/jquery.mmenu.backbutton.js
A inc/assets/vendor/mmenu/jquery.mmenu.min.all.js
A inc/assets/vendor/mmenu/jquery.mmenu.navbar.close.js
A inc/assets/vendor/mmenu/
A inc/assets/vendor/mmenu/jquery.mmenu.navbar.prev.js
A inc/assets/vendor/mmenu/jquery.mmenu.navbar.title.js
A inc/assets/vendor/mmenu/jquery.mmenu.navbars.js
A inc/assets/vendor/mmenu/jquery.mmenu.offcanvas.js
A inc/assets/vendor/mmenu/jquery.mmenu.oncanvas.js
A inc/assets/vendor/mmenu/mmenu.css
A inc/assets/vendor/mmenu/mmenu.min.css
A inc/assets/vendor/mobile-detect
A inc/assets/vendor/mobile-detect/mobile-detect.js
A inc/assets/vendor/mobile-detect/mobile-detect.min.js
A inc/assets/vendor/repeating-fields
A inc/assets/vendor/sticky
A inc/assets/vendor/sticky/jquery.sticky.js
A inc/assets/vendor/sticky/jquery.sticky.min.js
A inc/assets/vendor/wp-color-picker-alpha
M inc/scripts-styles.php
D js/anim-on-scroll.js
D js/anim-on-scroll.min.js
D js/imagesloaded.pkgd.js
D js/imagesloaded.pkgd.min.js
D js/isotope.pkgd.js
D js/isotope.pkgd.min.js
D js/jquery.magnific-popup.js
D js/jquery.magnific-popup.min.js
D js/jquery.sticky.js
D js/jquery.sticky.min.js
D js/mmenu
D js/mobile-detect.js
D js/mobile-detect.min.js
* CHANGED: Replaced fitVids with a pure-css alternative.
* REMOVED: fitVids.js and 'jquery-fitvids' script handle.
M css/inc/_modules.scss
M inc/default-hooks.php
M inc/scripts-styles.php
D js/jquery.fitvids.js
D js/jquery.fitvids.min.js
M js/scripts.js
M js/scripts.min.js
M style.css
M style.min.css
M style.pkg.min.css
* CHANGED: Moved layout-related functions into inc/layout.php
* CHANGED: Moved customizer defaults-related functions into inc/customizer/defaults.php
M functions.php
M inc/customizer/customizer.php
A inc/customizer/defaults.php
A inc/layout.php
* ADDED: Left-right padding can now be set for footer widgets.
M inc/customizer/defaults.php
M inc/customizer/sections/footer/layout.php
* ADDED: Customizer option "Sticky menu on mobile"
M css/inc/_header.scss
M inc/customizer/controls/scripts.js
M inc/customizer/defaults.php
M inc/customizer/sections/header/layout.php
M inc/scripts-styles.php
M inc/template-tags.php
M style.css
M style.min.css
M style.pkg.min.css
* FIXED: Onboarding page would throw an undefined variable warning.
M inc/onboarding/onboarding-page.php
* ADDED: Row classes now contain a .has-sidebar when a sidebar is displayed.
M inc/layout.php
* FIXED: Colorpickers wouldn't display properly.
M css/admin/widgets.css
M css/admin/widgets.min.css
M css/admin/widgets.scss
M inc/assets/vendor/wp-color-picker-alpha/wp-color-picker-alpha.js
M inc/assets/vendor/wp-color-picker-alpha/wp-color-picker-alpha.min.js
M inc/customizer/controls/color/_style.scss
M inc/customizer/controls/style.css
M inc/customizer/controls/style.min.css
M inc/scripts-styles.php
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/assets/wp-color-picker-alpha/wp-color-picker-alpha.js
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/assets/wp-color-picker-alpha/wp-color-picker-alpha.min.js
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/ci-theme-plugin.php
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/custom-fields/controls/color/_style.scss
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/custom-fields/meta.css
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/custom-fields/meta.min.css
* ADDED: Hero Youtube videos now support the time 't' url parameter.
M inc/helpers.php
M js/scripts.js
M js/scripts.min.js
M template-parts/hero.php
* FIXED: An issue where the plus/minus buttons on grouped products would not work
M js/scripts.js
* CHANGED: Theme version to 1.1.0
* CHANGED: Plugin version to 1.1.0
* UPDATED: Language files
M inc/onboarding.php
M languages/ci-theme.pot
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/ci-theme-plugin.php
M style.css
M style.min.css
M style.pkg.min.css
M style.scss
1.0 - January 17, 2020
Compatibility: WordPress 5.3.1+ - WooCommerce 3.8.1+
Initial release