Documentation for MaxSlider
Plugin Installation
To install MaxSlider navigate to Plugins > Add New and search for maxslider in the search box. Once the results come back click the Install Now button.
When the installation finishes click the Activate button to activate the plugin.
That’s it! MaxSlider is installed and activated.
Creating a new slider
In your WordPress dashboard navigate to MaxSlider > Add New
You will be presented with the slider creation screen. Start by giving your slider a title.
Adding slides
Now let’s create our first slide.
- Start by clicking the Upload Image box to add the slider image,
- next add the slider’s title,
- fill in the slider’s subtitle,
- use the input box to set the slider title’s size in px,
- do the same for the slider’s subtitle,
- modify the title’s color using the color-picker,
- same thing for the slider’s subtitle,
- fill in the text for your slider’s button,
- set the URL where the slider button will lead to when clicked,
- set the button’s background color,
- set the button’s text color,
- use the drop-down to select one of the four available button sizes,
- select the horizontal alignment for the slider text & button
- select the vertical alignment for the slider content.
- and finally set the background color for the slider’s content.
That’s it, you have now created your first slide. To create another one click the Add Slide button and repeat the process.
Removing slides
If you want to remove a slide just click the Remove Slide button which appears at the bottom right corner of each slide.
Note: The remove slide button will not appear if you only have one slide in your slider.
Batch uploads
To upload multiple images at once just click the Batch Upload button. Upload the images or select ones that are already in your media gallery and insert them. Each image will create a slide and you can then just fill in the rest of the information.
Slider Settings
Let’s take a look at the slider’s settings ( Note: these options are per-slider).
- Here you can toggle the slider’s auto slider functionality. If you want it to only slide manually just uncheck the box.
- Use the drop down to switch between the available fade and slide effects,
- here you can set the pause between slides in milliseconds (this only applies if auto slide is enabled),
- The default slider height is 600px, if you want a taller or shorter slider you can configure it here, just add the number and save,
- Choose between dots, arrows and nothing for your slider navigation
- Select the desired position for the slider navigation. There are five options, the default centered and one for each corner of the slider.
- Set the color of the navigation arrows.
- Set the background color for the navigation buttons.
- Finally select an image size for the slider. The drop-down will list the plugin’s default image size, the image sizes for WordPress preset thumbnails and any image sizes added by themes and plugins. If you want to create custom image sizes please continue reading.
Placing the slider in a page or post
Once you are finished creating the slider you can Publish it. Next scroll down to the Shortcode metabox.
Copy the shortcode and paste it in the content on any post or page, update and you are done. Check out your new slider!
Creating custom image sizes for the slider
If you want to create a custom image size for your MaxSlider you can do that by using the Simple Image Sizes plugin.
Activate the plugin and go to Settings > Media. There you can click to add a new image size.
Give it a name, fill in the sizes and select if you want the image to be cropped or not, then validate it.
That’s it. Every image you upload from now on will have a thumbnail with these new dimensions. If you want your existing images to be cropped to that, scroll down and regenerate your thumbnails.
Now if you check the image size drop-down on each slider’s settings metabox you will find the new size available for selection.
Next Steps
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