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Changelog for Nico


  • A => A file has been (A)dded
  • M => A file has been (M)odified
  • D => A file has been (D)eleted

2.7.1 - January 24, 2023

Compatibility: WordPress 6.1 — 6.7.2

List of changes between nico v2.7.0 and v2.7.1

* FIXED: Panel issue where template bound metaboxes would not work in the block editor
  M panel/post_meta.php

* FIXED: Tweets widget would throw a notice when used inside the Block Widgets editor.
  M panel/widgets/ci_widget_tweets.php

* CHANGED: The classic widget editor is now loaded by default (i.e. the Block Widgets editor is disabled).
* ADDED: In Panel > Site Options > Other, added checkbox to enable the Block Widgets editor.
  M panel/snippets/site_other.php

* FIXED: Future-proof support for One Click Demo Import, by replacing older 'pt-ocdi/*' hook names with the more recent 'ocdi/' ones.
  M functions.php

* CHANGED: When resetting the panel settings, the panel defaults are now loaded later, by calling load_ci_defaults() inside the 'admin_menu' action, in ci_create_menu().
* FIXED: Warning would get thrown when resetting the panel settings.
  M panel/ci_panel.php

* FIXED: A warning would get thrown regarding the internal 'logox2_migrated' option.
  M panel/snippets/logo.php

* FIXED: Gettext warning regarding a string used in singular and plural versions.
  M panel/libraries/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php

* FIXED: Twitter libraries would throw deprecation warnings for PHP 8.x
  M panel/libraries/WP_OAuth.php
  M panel/libraries/wp_twitteroauth.php

* ADDED: Minified assets.
  A js/admin/post-edit-screens.min.js
  A js/jquery.flexslider.min.js
  A js/jquery.isotope.min.js
  A js/scripts.min.js

* FIXED: Replaced aliased is_integer() with is_int()
  M panel/generic.php

* Updated language file.
  M lang/
  M lang/en_US.po

* CHANGED: Theme version to 2.7.1
  M style.css
  M style.min.css
  M style.scss

2.7.0 - March 26, 2021

Compatibility: WordPress 5.6.2+

List of changes between nico v2.6.0 and v2.7.0

* FIXED: Some wrong gettext domains.
* CHANGED: On theme activation, the redirection to panel now happens conditionally on the 'ci_theme_activated' action.
  M panel/bootstrap.php
  M panel/ci_panel.php

* ADDED: List of widgets is now filterable via 'ci_theme_load_widgets' before they are included.
  M panel/widgets.php

* FIXED: get_logo_class() would sometimes return 'imglogo' instead of 'textual'.
  M panel/generic.php

* FIXED: In panel, replaced deprecated jQuery .click() event handlers with .on('click').
  M panel/scripts/panelscripts.js
  M panel/snippets/newsletter_hidden_fields.php

* CHANGED: Assets are now versioned using a compound version string based on the parent and child themes' versions, when a child theme is enabled. This helps prevent caching issues, where the version reported was remaining constant (i.e. the child theme's version) even when the parent was updated.
  M panel/generic.php

* FIXED: Conditional metaboxes wouldn't work in WP 5.7
  M panel/post_meta.php

* REMOVED: Removed compatibility handler for action hook 'after_open_body_tag'. User code should now hook into the native 'wp_body_open' action hook directly, introduced in WP 5.2
  M panel/default_hooks.php

* Updated language files.
* Changed version to 2.7.0
  M ignitefile.js
  M lang/
  M lang/en_US.po
  M style.css
  M style.min.css
  M style.scss

2.6.0 - February 12, 2020

Compatibility: WordPress 5.3.1+

List of changes between nico v2.5.1 (rev. 23672) and v2.6.0 (rev. 28667)

* CHANGED: Replaced usages of get_child_or_parent_file_uri() with the native alternative get_theme_file_uri()
  M panel/ci_panel.php
  M panel/scripts/fancybox.php
  M panel/snippets/favicon.php
  M panel/snippets/touch_favicon.php

* CHANGED: Replaced usages of get_child_or_parent_file_uri() with the native alternative get_theme_file_uri()
  M functions/scripts.php
  M functions/styles.php

* CHANGED: Added deprecation notice to get_child_or_parent_file_uri(). All child themes are now encouraged to switch to get_theme_file_uri() instead.
  M panel/generic.php

* FIXED: Metaboxes bound to specific post formats, wouldn't appear on initial page load inside the new block editor.
  M panel/scripts/ci-post-formats.js

* CHANGED: Removed the deprecated (since WP 4.3) favicon and touch favicon functionality from the theme's panel, in favor of the native Site Icon option (Appearance > Customize > Site Identity > Site Icon).
  M functions/tabs/site_options.php

* REMOVED: Deleted snippets favicon.php and touch_favicon.php as they are not used any more.
  D panel/snippets/favicon.php
  D panel/snippets/touch_favicon.php

* FIXED: A change event is now triggered when a repeating field item is removed.
  M js/admin/post-edit-screens.js

* FIXED: Added version numbers in panel's scripts/styles registrations so that they'll be properly invalidated when the theme updates.
  M panel/ci_panel.php
  M panel/generic.php
  M panel/post_color_scheme.php

* FIXED: Color Scheme panel option now won't list minified files, if they exist.
  M panel/snippets/color_scheme.php

* REMOVED: Remove facebook like button from theme settings
  M panel/ci_panel.php

* FIXED: ci_fancyboxrel() now will not add rel="fancybox[]" to image links that already have a rel attribute.
  M panel/scripts/fancybox.php

* FIXED: A regression would cause ci_fancyboxrel() to not close image links properly.
  M panel/scripts/fancybox.php

* REMOVED: Customized styling of Post formats' radio buttons, from the classic editor.
  M panel/ci_panel.php
  M panel/scripts/ci-post-formats.js
  D panel/styles/ci-post-formats.css

* ADDED: Introduced ci_theme_asset_version()
  M panel/generic.php

* CHANGED: All front-facing scripts and styles now utilize ci_theme_asset_version(). The theme version will be used (to aid cache busting) unless WP_DEBUG or SCRIPT_DEBUG are enabled.
  M panel/ci_panel.php
  M panel/generic.php
  M panel/post_color_scheme.php
  M panel/scripts/fancybox.php

* CHANGED: Panel's support link now reads "Support" (was "Support Forum") and links to the CSSIgniter support hub page. Whitelabel or child themes that have overridden the CI_FORUM constant will continue working as usual.
  M panel/ci_panel.php

* FIXED: Improved update notifications handling to work with both unprefixed and prefixed theme slugs (e.g. wp_theme5).
  M panel/generic.php

* ADDED: Compatibility function wp_body_open() for pre-5.2 installations.
* CHANGED: The theme's own 'after_open_body_tag' action is now hooked (for backward compatibility) to wp_body_open(). As it is now deprecated, it will trigger a user notice when WP_DEBUG is true.
* CHANGED: BuySellAds main script is now outputted on the 'wp_body_open' action.
  M panel/default_hooks.php
  M panel/snippets/buysellads.php

* CHANGED: Call to wp_body_open() right after the opening body tag, instead of firing the theme's older 'after_open_body_tag' action.
  M header.php

* FIXED: Widget CI 125x125 Ads would display checked=checked above checked checkboxes.
  M panel/widgets/ci_widget_ads125.php

* FIXED: All default panel's options (a.k.a. snippets) are now sanitized properly.
  M panel/ci_panel.php
  M panel/snippets/archive.php
  M panel/snippets/buysellads.php
  M panel/snippets/color_scheme.php
  M panel/snippets/comments.php
  M panel/snippets/custom_background.php
  M panel/snippets/excerpt.php
  M panel/snippets/featured_image_fullwidth.php
  M panel/snippets/featured_image_single.php
  M panel/snippets/feedburner.php
  M panel/snippets/footer_text.php
  M panel/snippets/google_analytics.php
  M panel/snippets/google_maps_api.php
  M panel/snippets/logo.php
  M panel/snippets/newsletter_hidden_fields.php
  M panel/snippets/pagination.php
  M panel/snippets/site_other.php
  M panel/snippets/slider_cycle.php
  M panel/snippets/slider_cycle_internal.php
  M panel/snippets/slider_flexslider.php
  M panel/snippets/slider_flexslider_internal.php
  M panel/snippets/twitter_api.php

* FIXED: Edge case were Custom CSS box would still show in the panel, instead of pointing to the native Customizer option.
  M panel/snippets/custom_css.php

* CHANGED: Renamed all default widgets that had titles like '-= CI Widget Title =-' to 'Theme - Widget Title'
* FIXED: Modernized default widgets (formatting, sanitization, defaults).
* CHANGED: Default widgets that had their title internally stored as 'ci_title' have been changed to 'title', so that internationalization plugins can hook normally. Existing titles have been migrated.
  M panel/widgets/ci_widget_about.php
  M panel/widgets/ci_widget_ads125.php
  M panel/widgets/ci_widget_bsa.php
  M panel/widgets/ci_widget_flickr.php
  M panel/widgets/ci_widget_tweets.php

* ADDED: Themes can now show a limited-sized logo instead of relying on javascript (retinajs). Themes can declare support for this new functionality by calling `add_filter( 'limit_logo_size_support', '__return_true' );` right before `get_template_part('panel/bootstrap');`. Full backwards compatibility is provided, as long as the two logo files (normal and retina) exist and are readable.
* FIXED: Media Manager scripts were updated to a more contemporary approach, fixing some console errors in the process.
  M panel/ci_panel.php
  M panel/media_manager.php
  M panel/panel.css
  M panel/scripts/media-manager-3.5.js
  M panel/snippets/logo.php

* ADDED: Introduced ci_theme_main_menu_fallback() as a generic main menu fallback.
  M panel/generic.php

* FIXED: A regression caused the excerpt cutoff text to not store the correct value upon saving the panel settings.
  M panel/snippets/excerpt.php

* UPDATED: TGM Plugin Activation v2.6.1
  M panel/libraries/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php

* FIXED: Some margin-specific classes would sometimes get overridden, affecting the panel's layout.
  M panel/panel.css

* CHANGED: As soon as a theme declares support for the native WordPress 'custom-background', the related options are migrated to the customizer.
  M panel/snippets/custom_background.php

* FIXED: Eliminated usages of ci_get_image_src() from the panel (replaced with wp_get_attachment_image_url())
  M panel/media_manager.php

* FIXED: Logo input field styling.
  M panel/snippets/logo.php

* FIXED: Twitter widget would sometimes throw some notices in some installations.
  M panel/widgets/ci_widget_tweets.php

* ADDED: "Theme - About Me" widget now has a button to select the image instead of pasting it.
  M panel/ci_panel.php
  A panel/styles/widgets.css
  A panel/styles/widgets.scss
  M panel/widgets/ci_widget_about.php

* FIXED: Force term recount after import.
  M functions.php

* FIXED: Edge case where a warning would be thrown while saving options, on themes that don't support the "Limit logo size" option.
  M panel/snippets/logo.php

* FIXED: Removed unused variable assignment in function calls.
  M panel/widgets/ci_widget_about.php
  M panel/widgets/ci_widget_ads125.php
  M panel/widgets/ci_widget_bsa.php
  M panel/widgets/ci_widget_tweets.php

* FIXED: Added translators' comments in panel widgets.
  M panel/widgets/ci_widget_ads125.php
  M panel/widgets/ci_widget_bsa.php
  M panel/widgets/ci_widget_flickr.php

* FIXED: Non-canonical links to CSSIgniter
  M panel/generic.php
  M panel/snippets/google_maps_api.php
  M panel/widgets.php

* FIXED: The theme's self update check now re-uses CSSIgniter Updater data if available.
  M panel/generic.php

* FIXED: Per-post color scheme dropdown shouldn't display minified files.
* FIXED: Refactored common code between per-post and panel's color schemes.
  M panel/post_color_scheme.php
  M panel/snippets/color_scheme.php

* FIXED: ci_metabox_textarea() would double-escape output.
* ADDED: Optional 'step' parameter in ci_metabox_input() for numeric inputs.
  M panel/post_meta.php

* REMOVED: Compatibility code for wp_body_open() in WordPress versions older than v5.2
  M panel/default_hooks.php

* FIXED: Per-post color schemes wouldn't override the panel-selected value.
  M panel/post_color_scheme.php

* FIXED: Per-post color schemes would silently discard customizer-added colors.
  M panel/post_color_scheme.php

* FIXED: Improved logo/heading markup
* FIXED: A query issue in the archive template which would cause an infinite loop
* ADDED: Minified stylesheets
  A colors/blue.min.css
  A colors/default.min.css
  A colors/green.min.css
  A colors/orange.min.css
  A colors/pink.min.css
  A colors/purple.min.css
  A colors/teal.min.css
  M css/_inc/_header.scss
  A css/admin/post_edit_screens.min.css
  A css/admin/repeating-fields.min.css
  A css/base.min.css
  A css/flexslider.min.css
  M header.php
  M index.php
  M search.php
  M style.css
  A style.min.css
  M template-archive.php
  M template-front.php

* CHANGED: Theme version to 2.6.0
* UPDATED: Language file
  M lang/
  M lang/en_US.po
  M style.css
  M style.min.css
  M style.scss

2.5.1 - December 6, 2018

Compatibility: WordPress 4.9+

List of changes between nico v2.5 (rev. 22064) and v2.5.1 (rev. 23672)

* FIXED: A condition was erroneously placed inside a count() call, triggering a warning in PHP >= 7.2.x
  M panel/generic.php

* ADDED: Add styles for Gutenberg
  A common
  A common/common.php
  A common/css
  A common/css/global.css
  A common/css/global.scss
  A common/css/inc
  A common/css/inc/_gutenberg.scss
  M functions/styles.php
  M functions.php
  A ignitefile.js

* FIXED: Fixed issue where migration of the panel's Custom CSS would result in multiple copies of the migrated CSS, due to a race condition.
  M panel/snippets/custom_css.php

* FIXED: Page template-bound metaboxes, would behave correctly in Gutenberg mode (where applicable).
  M panel/post_meta.php

* UPDATED: Post format metaboxes now work in gutenberg
  M panel/scripts/ci-post-formats.js

* REMOVED: Unused, outdated copy of font-awesome.css
  D css/font-awesome.css

* change theme version to 2.5.1
  M colors/blue.css
  M colors/default.css
  M colors/green.css
  M colors/orange.css
  M colors/pink.css
  M colors/purple.css
  M colors/teal.css
  M css/admin/post_edit_screens.css
  M css/admin/repeating-fields.css
  M lang/
  M lang/en_US.po
  M style.css
  M style.scss

2.5 - June 22, 2018

Compatibility: WordPress 4.8+

List of changes between nico v2.4 (rev. 18427) and v2.5 (rev. 22064)

* FIXED: Proper escaping of search form attributes.
  M searchform.php

* ADDED: Style handle 'ci-theme-style-parent' refers to the paren's stylesheet, if currently on a child theme.
* CHANGED: Style handle 'ci-style' now always refers to the active theme's stylesheet.
  M functions/styles.php

* FIXED: Theme update notification is now styled as a WordPress notice.
  M panel/ci_panel.php

* FIXED: Fix an issue where header background size option would not be respected
  M panel/snippets/custom_background.php

* ADDED: Introduced ci_panel_get_custom_background_values() to return the values array of panel's header/body/footer custom background options.
* CHANGED: Refactored and removed code from ci_custom_background() into the newly introduced ci_panel_get_custom_background_values()
  M panel/snippets/custom_background.php

* ADDED: Support for One Click Demo Import.
  M functions.php

* ADDED: Panel 'stylesheet' option is now filterable with filter name 'ci_theme_panel_default_stylesheet'.
  M panel/snippets/color_scheme.php

* UPDATED: RetinaJS v2.1.2
* FIXED: RetinaJS no longer causes countless 404 requests.
  M panel/ci_panel.php
  M panel/components/retinajs/LICENSE
  M panel/components/retinajs/
  M panel/components/retinajs/dist/retina.js
  M panel/generic.php

* FIXED: Added lang file header so that Poedit will recognise "translators:" comments.
  M lang/en_US.po

* CHANGED: Custom CSS is now migrated to the native customizer option automatically. The existing panel option will keep working for WP installations < 4.7 although we don't support it.
  M panel/snippets/custom_css.php

* CHANGED: Changed theme update check to happen once every 3 days.
  M panel/generic.php

* REMOVED: Removed sample content link from panel. The snippet file is left in place for backward-compatibility.
  M panel/snippets/sample_content.php

* removed obsolete sample content section
* updated language files
* changed version to 2.5
  M functions/tabs/site_options.php
  M lang/
  M lang/en_US.po
  M style.css
  M style.scss

2.4 - June 2, 2017

Compatibility: WordPress 4.6+

List of changes between nico v2.3.1 (rev. 15943) and v2.4 (rev. 18427)

* FIXED: Page (usually listing related) metaboxes would all appear when editing the page designated as the "Posts page" from Settings > Reading. Since WP 4.6, the page template selection metabox is not included in the edit page interface, making the related JS-bound metaboxes all visible by default.
  M panel/post_meta.php

* FIXED: Template name on page builder template was "Front Page"
  M template-builder.php

* UPDATED: Fontawesome v4.7.0
  M panel/ci_panel.php
  M panel/components/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.min.css
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/FontAwesome.otf
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2

* FIXED: Isotope filtering does not work if term slug is in non latin characters.
  M template-front.php
  M template-portfolio-listing.php

* FIXED: Added Text Domain and Domain Path headers in stylesheet.
  M style.css
  M style.scss

* FIXED: Isotope listings could throw warnings if the listed items had no term assigned.
  M template-front.php
  M template-portfolio-listing.php

* FIXED: Minor styling changes
  M css/_inc/_footer.scss
  M css/_inc/_modules.scss
  M style.css
  M style.scss

* Changed version to 2.4
  M style.css
  M style.scss

2.3.1 - September 30, 2016

Compatibility: WordPress 4.5+

List of changes between nico v2.3 (rev. 14970) and v2.3.1 (rev. 15943)

* ADDED: Sample content URL is not filterable through the 'ci_theme_sample_content_url' filter.
  M panel/snippets/sample_content.php

* ADDED: Page builder template
  A template-builder.php

* Changed version to 2.3.1
  M style.css
  M style.scss

2.3 - July 7, 2016

Compatibility: WordPress 4.4+

List of changes between nico v2.2 (rev. 11984) and v2.3 (rev. 14970)

* FIXED: Fixed an undefined index notice, that could be seen in older/updated installations using the 125x125 Ads widget.
  M panel/widgets/ci_widget_ads125.php

* DELETED: Previously deprecated SEO panel options (snippet).
* DELETED: SEO-related functions, in particular: ci_title(), ci_e_title(), ci_check_seo_plugin(), ci_wp_render_title_tag(), ci_render_title_tag(). Users that may have used ci_title() and/or ci_e_title() in child themes, should now look into the wp_title() function.
  D panel/snippets/seo.php

* CHANGED: Support for 'title-tag' now moved to functions.php
  M functions.php

* CHANGED: Automatic video thumbnails URLs returned by ci_get_video_thumbnail_url() are now returned with https.
* CHANGED: CI Tweets widget now generates https links to
  M panel/generic.php
  M panel/widgets/ci_widget_tweets.php

* REMOVED: Support for the old social icons completely removed (icons, stylesheet, panel snippet, widget).
  D panel/snippets/social.php
  D panel/widgets/ci_widget_social.php
  D panel/widgets/images
  D panel/widgets/scripts
  D panel/widgets/styles

* FIXED: Fixed issue where the CSSIgniter News dashboard widget wouldn't show any news due to a protocol-less URI.
  M panel/widgets.php

* FIXED: html5shim is now loaded protocol-less from
  M panel/generic.php

* FIXED: Removed calls to the previously deleted SEO snippet.
  M functions/tabs/display_options.php

* FIXED: Escaped a gettex string inside an attribute.
  M panel/media_manager.php

* ADDED: Added support for Site Icon. When both a site icon and a favicon or touch favicon is present, Site Icon is preferred.
  M panel/snippets/favicon.php
  M panel/snippets/touch_favicon.php

* UPDATED: font-awesome v4.5.0
  M panel/ci_panel.php
  M panel/components/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.min.css
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/FontAwesome.otf
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff

* UPDATED: Re-styled post meta fields.
  M panel/media_manager.php
  M panel/post_meta.php
  M panel/styles/post-edit-screens.css
  A panel/styles/post-edit-screens.scss

* FIXED: Removed sensor parameter from Google Maps API url.
  M panel/snippets/google_maps_api.php

* ADDED: Introduced ci_theme_get_allowed_tags() utility function for use with wp_kses()
  M panel/generic.php

* FIXED: Added conditional to protect WP_OAuth classes from being redeclared.
* ADDED: Icon for Weather Options panel tab (where available).
  M panel/libraries/WP_OAuth.php
  M panel/panel.css

* UPDATED: Fontawesome v4.6.1
  M panel/ci_panel.php
  M panel/components/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.min.css
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/FontAwesome.otf
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff
  A panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2

* UPDATED: Font Awesome v4.6.2
  M panel/ci_panel.php
  M panel/components/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.min.css
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/FontAwesome.otf
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2

* UPDATED: Font Awesome v4.6.3
  M panel/ci_panel.php
  M panel/components/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.min.css
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/FontAwesome.otf
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2

* FIXED: CSSIgniter is now linked on the default footer text.
  M functions/template_hooks.php

* FIXED: Changed Google Maps API Key description to point out that an API key is now required.
* CHANGED: Google Maps API version changed to '3', i.e. the "release" version of the API. The previous '3.5' although was meant to be a frozen version, it's now retired so it falls back to the most current "experimental" version. More information can be found here:
  M panel/snippets/google_maps_api.php

* CHANGED: Google Maps API is now disabled by default, as it now needs an API key to work properly (otherwise it throws popup alerts in some cases).
  M panel/snippets/google_maps_api.php

* Updated lang files.
* Changed version to 2.3
  M lang/
  M lang/en_US.po
  M style.css
  M style.scss

2.2 - August 19, 2015

Compatibility: WordPress 4.4+

List of changes between nico v2.1.1 (rev. 10835) and v2.2 (rev. 11984)

* REMOVED: Removed some version-specific styles, applicable to the options panel, for WP < 3.8
  M panel/ci_panel.php

* CHANGED: Moved all add_action() and add_filter() calls from media_manager.php and generic.php into default_hooks.php
  M panel/default_hooks.php
  M panel/generic.php
  M panel/media_manager.php

* FIXED: Updated TGM strings.
* CHANGED: TGM property ‘is_automatic’ is now enabled, making it automatically forcefully manage activations and deactivations.
  M panel/plugins.php

* REMOVED: Deleted function ci_count_wp_gallery_images() from panel/generic.php. Will add it into functions.php only in the themes that actually need it.
  M panel/generic.php

* REMOVED: Deleted experimental customizer.php as it was unused.
  M panel/bootstrap.php
  D panel/customizer.php

* FIXED: Escaped pretty much everything that can/should be escaped.
  M panel/ci_panel.php
  M panel/media_manager.php
  M panel/post_color_scheme.php
  M panel/post_meta.php
  M panel/snippets/custom_background.php
  M panel/snippets/excerpt.php
  M panel/snippets/feedburner.php
  M panel/snippets/social.php
  M panel/widgets/ci_widget_about.php
  M panel/widgets/ci_widget_ads125.php
  M panel/widgets/ci_widget_bsa.php
  M panel/widgets/ci_widget_flickr.php
  M panel/widgets/ci_widget_social.php
  M panel/widgets/ci_widget_tweets.php

* FIXED: Styled wp color pickers inside custom fields tabs.
  M panel/styles/post-edit-screens.css

* FIXED: Made urls to and other loaded resources, protocol-less. i.e. removed http and/or https so that the appropriate will be used automatically.
  M panel/generic.php
  M panel/snippets/featured_image_single.php
  M panel/snippets/google_maps_api.php
  M panel/snippets/sample_content.php
  M panel/widgets/ci_widget_tweets.php
  M panel/widgets.php

* FIXED: Reverted a couple of "http:" on the update checks, as wp_remote_get() doesn't support protocol-less urls.
  M panel/generic.php

* REMOVED: Deleted bower, grunt, and otherwise unneeded, files from panel/components.
* REMOVED: fontawesome less, sass, and woff2 file(s).
  D panel/.bowerrc
  D panel/components/fontawesome/.bower.json
  D panel/components/fontawesome/.npmignore
  D panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2
  D panel/components/fontawesome/less
  D panel/components/fontawesome/scss
  D panel/components/retinajs/.bower.json
  D panel/components/retinajs/Gruntfile.js
  D panel/components/retinajs/bower.json
  D panel/components/retinajs/dist/
  D panel/components/retinajs/dist/retina.min.js
  D panel/components/retinajs/package.json
  D panel/components/retinajs/src

* CHANGED: Fontawesome now uses the minified css file.
* REMOVED: Some more unneeded fontawesome files.
  M panel/ci_panel.php
  D panel/components/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.css
  D panel/components/fontawesome/css/

* FIXED: Delete woff2 call from fontawesome font file.
  M panel/components/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.min.css

* FIXED: Added handler to trigger a resize event on page template metaboxes, so that metaboxes that have a google map and are hidden by default, will render properly upon show.
  M panel/post_meta.php

* FIXED: wp_dropdown_posts() wouldn't work properly with hierarchical post types.
  M panel/generic.php

* DEPRECATED: Favicon and Touch Icons panel options are now deprecated in favour of the Customizer's Site Icon feature (WP 4.3). Instructional messages have been added, urging the user to use the Site Icon instead, as these options will be removed in feature theme updates, once WP 4.4 is released.
  M panel/snippets/favicon.php
  M panel/snippets/touch_favicon.php

* ADDED: Default icon for property options panel tab.
  M panel/panel.css

* Style price change indicators.
  M panel/term_meta_api.php

* ADDED: Added description and link for the Flickr ID.
* FIXED: Made Flickr widget labels a bit more intuitive.
* CHANGED: The Flickr widget title is now translatable via the default WPML hooks. Back-compat is maintained.
  M panel/widgets/ci_widget_flickr.php

* UPDATED: Font-awesome v4.4.0
  M panel/ci_panel.php
  M panel/components/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.min.css
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/FontAwesome.otf
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
  M panel/components/fontawesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff

* UPDATED: Updated TGM Activation Plugin to v2.5.2
* FIXED: Changed panel widgets' to use PHP5-style constructors (in preparation for WordPress 4.3 and PHP 7).
  M panel/libraries/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php
  M panel/plugins.php
  M panel/widgets/ci_widget_about.php
  M panel/widgets/ci_widget_ads125.php
  M panel/widgets/ci_widget_bsa.php
  M panel/widgets/ci_widget_flickr.php
  M panel/widgets/ci_widget_social.php
  M panel/widgets/ci_widget_tweets.php

* FIXED: ci_theme_wrap_category_widget_post_counts_in_span() would throw notices in some occasions.
  M panel/default_hooks.php

* FIXED: Changed theme widgets' to use PHP5-style constructors (in preparation for WordPress 4.3 and PHP 7).
  M functions/widgets/ci_widget_portfolio.php

* FIXED: Some function calls in panel weren't terminated by a semicolon.
  M panel/ci_panel.php
  M panel/snippets/custom_background.php

* FIXED: Some function calls weren't terminated by a semicolon.
  M template-archive.php

* ADDED: ci_setting() return values are now filterable through the 'ci_setting' filter.
  M panel/generic.php

* Updated lang files.
* Changed version to 2.2
  M lang/
  M lang/en_US.po
  M style.css
  M style.scss

2.1.1 - May 23, 2015

Compatibility: WordPress 4.1+

List of changes between nico v2.1 (rev. 10517) and v2.1.1 (rev. 10835)

* CHANGED: fitVids is now loaded in the footer.
  M panel/ci_panel.php

* REMOVED: Function format_price() was removed from panel/generic.php as it depends on specific panel options that most themes don't include. It will be re-added to the specific themes affected.
  M panel/generic.php

* FIXED: Slider slideshow and animation speeds wouldn't work.
  M js/scripts.js
  M single-portfolio.php

* Changed version to 2.1.1
  M style.css
  M style.scss

2.1 - May 8, 2015

Compatibility: WordPress 4.1+

List of changes between nico v2.0.1 (rev. 9528) and v2.1 (rev. 10517)

* FIXED: Improved html attributes sanitization in panel.
* REMOVED: Script handle 'ci-colorpicker'. The native WP colorpicker is now used, where applicable.
* DELETED: 'ci-colorpicker' related files from /panel/scripts/colorpicker
* CHANGED: 'retinajs' script handle now loads from panel/components/retinajs/
* DELETED: panel/scripts/retina.1.3.0.min.js file as it now lives inside the panel/components/retinajs/ folder.
  M panel/ci_panel.php
  D panel/scripts/colorpicker
  D panel/scripts/retina.1.3.0.min.js

* UPDATED: Updated TGM plugin activation. Although the version number hasn’t change, the github repository had changes that fixed some incompatibilities when multiple copies of TGM were loaded by themes/plugins.
  M panel/libraries/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php

* FIXED: Added a description for the Meta Generator option, so the user can take a better informed decision.
  M panel/snippets/site_other.php

* FIXED: ci_human_time_diff() never showed month strings if date diff was greater than 30 days. Also made code a bit more readable.
  M panel/generic.php

* ADDED: Support for metabox tabs. Introduced: ci_metabox_open_tab() and ci_metabox_close_tab(). They require to be wrapped in a
* ADDED: Panel file post-edit-screens.js with handle 'ci-panel-post-edit-screens' now loads on all post edit screens.
  M panel/ci_panel.php
  M panel/panel.css
  M panel/post_meta.php
  A panel/scripts/post-edit-screens.js
  M panel/styles/post-edit-screens.css

* ADDED: Introduced ci_metabox_guide()
  M panel/post_meta.php

* ADDED: Term meta API
  M panel/bootstrap.php
  A panel/term_meta_api.php (from /themes/tabloid/wp_tabloid5/functions/term_meta_api.php:9598)

* Moved development functions inside panel/generic.php
* Deleted panel/development.php and related references.
  M panel/bootstrap.php
  M panel/development.php
  M panel/generic.php

* Acutally deletion of development.php
  D panel/development.php

* ADDED: Introduced panel/default_hooks.php for actions/filters affecting core WP functionality.
* ADDED: Made the native Category and Archive widgets wrap their post counts into a, however due to the lack of appropriate filters, the get_archives_link() and wp_list_categories() functions are filtered instead.
  M panel/bootstrap.php
  A panel/default_hooks.php

* FIXED: When the theme title is selected under the SEO panel options and the site description is empty, a separator is outputted unnecessarily.
  M panel/snippets/seo.php

* Fixed an undefined variable error caused by the previous commit.
  M panel/snippets/seo.php

* Fixed an issue where the title separator would appear in the front of the page title, caused by the previous fix.
  M panel/snippets/seo.php

* ADDED: Introduced array_insert() to insert array elements into a specific position.
  M panel/generic.php

* FIXED: Improved behaviour of ci_e_content() in certain cases.
  M panel/generic.php

* FIXED: Updated CI_Panel_Walker_Category_Checklist walker class to be up to par with the core Walker_Category_Checklist.
  M panel/ci_panel.php

* Fixed checkboxes styling in panel
  M panel/panel.css

* CHANGED: Panel Show “Comments are closed” message option is now unchecked by default. Existing installations are not affected.
  M panel/snippets/comments.php

* FIXED: Moved a couple of add_action() calls outside their related if( !function_exists() ) functions’ checks.
  M panel/localization.php

* UPDATED: TGM-Plugin-Activation library to v2.4.1 develop branch, as it deals with an XSS vulnerability that could be caused by not escaping urls that made use of the add_query_arg() and remove_query_arg() functions.
  M panel/libraries/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php

* FIXED: Removed CSSIgniter link from default footer text.
  M functions/template_hooks.php

* ADDED: Added panel Google Maps API options snippet.
  M panel/scripts/post-edit-screens.js
  A panel/snippets/google_maps_api.php (from /resources/ci_panel/snippets/google_analytics.php:10309)

* FIXED: ci_title() would return duplicate information, as the output of wp_title() now includes the site name and description, depending on context.
  M panel/snippets/seo.php

* Updated lang files.
* Changed version to 2.1
  M lang/
  M lang/en_US.po
  M style.css
  M style.scss

2.0.1 - February 27, 2015

Compatibility: WordPress 4.0+

List of changes between nico v2.0 (rev. 9514) and v2.0.1 (rev. 9528)

* FIXED: Improved html attributes sanitization in panel.
* REMOVED: Script handle 'ci-colorpicker'. The native WP colorpicker is now used, where applicable.
* DELETED: 'ci-colorpicker' related files from /panel/scripts/colorpicker
* CHANGED: 'retinajs' script handle now loads from panel/components/retinajs/
* DELETED: panel/scripts/retina.1.3.0.min.js file as it now lives inside the panel/components/retinajs/ folder.
  M panel/ci_panel.php
  D panel/scripts/colorpicker
  D panel/scripts/retina.1.3.0.min.js

* Fix and issue where the mobile menu could not be toggled on Chrome for Android.
  M css/_inc/_header.scss
  M css/_inc/_mediaqueries.scss
  M style.css

* Changed version to 2.0.1
  M style.css
  M style.scss

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