Changelog for Løge
- A => A file has been (A)dded
- M => A file has been (M)odified
- D => A file has been (D)eleted
1.8.5 - March 29, 2022
Compatibility: WordPress 5.9.1 — 6.7.1 - WooCommerce 5.2.2 up to 5.2.2
List of changes between loge v1.8.4 and v1.8.5
* FIXED: Deprecation warning "Required parameter follows optional parameter" in PHP 8.
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/shortcodes.php
* FIXED: Deprecated Elementor method _register_controls()
* FIXED: Fatal errors due to Elementor\Scheme_Typography and Elementor\Scheme_Color class removals.
* FIXED: Deprecated parameter 'who' in WP_User_Query since WP 5.9
M inc/elementor/ci-theme-element.php
M inc/elementor/ci-theme-latest-post-type.php
M inc/elementor/ci-theme-post-type-items.php
M inc/elementor/ci-theme-product-category.php
M inc/elementor/inc/ci-theme-element-posts-group-control.php
* CHANGED: Theme version to 1.8.5
* CHANGED: Plugin version to 1.2.2
M style.css
M style.min.css
M style.scss
M functions.php
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/ci-theme-plugin.php
1.8.4 - April 20, 2021
Compatibility: WordPress 5.6.3+ - WooCommerce 5.2.2+
List of changes between loge v1.8.3 and v1.8.4
* FIXED: Authorbox's avatar type would fallback to an invalid type value.
M template-parts/authorbox.php
* UPDATED: WooCommerce 5.2.x support
M woocommerce/cart/mini-cart.php
* Changed version to 1.8.4
* Updated language file.
M languages/ci-theme.pot
M style.css
M style.min.css
M style.scss
1.8.3 - March 29, 2021
Compatibility: WordPress 5.6.2+ - WooCommerce 5.1.0+
List of changes between loge v1.8.2 and v1.8.3
* CHANGED: Assets are now versioned using a compound version string based on the parent and child themes' versions, when a child theme is enabled. This helps prevent caching issues, where the version reported was remaining constant (i.e. the child theme's version) even when the parent theme was updated.
M functions.php
* FIXED: Conditional metaboxes wouldn't work in WP 5.7
M plugins/loge-plugin/base/post-meta.php
M plugins/loge-plugin/custom-fields-page.php
* UPDATED: renamed content-product_cat.php to content-product-cat.php and updated to latest version.
A woocommerce/content-product-cat.php
D woocommerce/content-product_cat.php
* CHANGED: Theme version to 1.8.3
* CHANGED: Plugin version to 1.2.1
M functions.php
M plugins/loge-plugin/loge-plugin.php
M style.css
M style.min.css
M style.scss
1.8.2 - December 14, 2020
Compatibility: WordPress 5.5.3+ - WooCommerce 4.8.0+
List of changes between loge v1.8.1 and v1.8.2
* UPDATED: Update WooCommerce blocks for 4.8.0 support
M base/customizer-controls/style.css
M base/customizer-controls/style.min.css
M css/admin/widgets.css
M css/admin/widgets.min.css
M css/base.css
M css/base.min.css
M css/inc/_ecommerce.scss
M style.css
M style.min.css
* Updated language file.
* Changed version to 1.8.2
M languages/ci-theme.pot
M style.css
M style.min.css
M style.scss
1.8.1 - September 15, 2020
Compatibility: WordPress 5.5.0+ - WooCommerce 4.5.2+
List of changes between loge v1.8.0 (rev. 29454) and v1.8.1 (rev. 30848)
* FIXED: The "Semibold" font weight label would display 500 as the font weight number instead of the correct 600.
M inc/class-fonts-list.php
* FIXED: Issue where product listing image flip effect would not work properly when lazy loading plugins were active.
M css/inc/_modules.scss
M style.css
M style.min.css
* CHANGED: Theme version 1.8.1
M style.css
M style.min.css
M style.scss
1.8.0 - April 30, 2020
Compatibility: WordPress 5.4.0+ - WooCommerce 4.0.1+
List of changes between loge v1.7.3 (rev. 29131) and v1.8.0 (rev. 29454)
* FIXED: Hero-related notices.
M functions.php
* FIXED: Shop "View" (products per page) now maintain the user's selection when navigating from the shop into a category.
M inc/woocommerce.php
* FIXED: A notice would sometimes appear on the customizer, due to an undefined reference.
M base/customizer/sections/theme-colors-hero.php
* ADDED: Additional right-aligned text area on the top bar.
M base/customizer/sections/theme-header-top-bar.php
M base/template-tags.php
M functions.php
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/shortcodes.php
* CHANGED: Line Height property in Typography controls is now unit-less. Back compatibility is provided (where possible).
M base/class-ci-theme-customizer-css-generator.php
M base/customizer/generated-styles/global.php
M base/customizer/sections/theme-typography-content.php
M base/customizer/sections/theme-typography-widgets.php
M base/customizer-controls/typography/typography.php
M base/functions.php
M base/generated-styles.php
M css/inc/_ci-base.scss
M css/inc/_variables.scss
M css/typography-default.css
M css/typography-default.min.css
M functions.php
M inc/class-fonts-list.php
M inc/fonts.json
A inc/upgrade.php
M style.css
M style.min.css
* FIXED: "Widget title" and "Widget text" typography options titles would wrongly suggest that the theme has a sidebar.
M base/customizer/sections/theme-typography-widgets.php
* FIXED: Customizer typography control now loads fonts list only once.
M base/customizer-controls/typography/customizer.js
M base/customizer-controls/typography/typography.php
* ADDED: Various item section toggles on the theme's custom Elementor elements.
M inc/elementor/ci-theme-element.php
M inc/elementor/ci-theme-latest-post-type.php
M inc/elementor/ci-theme-post-type-items.php
M inc/elementor/ci-theme-product-category.php
M inc/elementor/inc/ci-theme-element-common-functions.php
A template-parts/elementor
A template-parts/elementor/item-product.php
A template-parts/elementor/item.php
* ADDED: Color controls to custom theme elements.
M inc/elementor/ci-theme-element.php
M inc/elementor/ci-theme-latest-post-type.php
M inc/elementor/ci-theme-post-type-items.php
M inc/elementor/ci-theme-product-category.php
* REMOVED: Obsolete hero colors section.
D base/customizer/sections/theme-colors-hero.php
M base/customizer.php
* CHANGED: Theme version to 1.8.0
* CHANGED: Plugin version to 1.2.0
* UPDATED: Language files
M functions.php
M languages/ci-theme.pot
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/ci-theme-plugin.php
M style.css
M style.min.css
M style.scss
1.7.3 - March 12, 2020
Compatibility: WordPress 5.3.1+ - WooCommerce 4.0.0+
List of changes between loge v1.7.2 (rev. 29038) and v1.7.3 (rev. 29131)
* FIXED: An issue where the plus/minus buttons on grouped products would not work
M js/scripts.js
* Updated language files.
* Changed plugin version to 1.1.1
* Changed theme version to 1.7.3
M functions.php
M js/scripts.min.js
M languages/ci-theme.pot
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/ci-theme-plugin.php
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/languages/ci-theme-plugin.pot
M style.css
M style.min.css
M style.scss
1.7.2 - March 11, 2020
Compatibility: WordPress 5.3.1+ - WooCommerce 4.0.0+
List of changes between loge v1.7.1 (rev. 28391) and v1.7.2 (rev. 29038)
* FIXED: Wrong text domain in plugin string.
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/shortcodes.php
* UPDATED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.0
M css/inc/_ecommerce.scss
M css/inc/mixins/_mixins.scss
M style.css
M style.min.css
M woocommerce/global/quantity-input.php
* CHANGED: Theme version to 1.7.2
* UPDATED: Language file
M languages/ci-theme.pot
M style.css
M style.min.css
M style.scss
1.7.1 - January 27, 2020
Compatibility: WordPress 5.3.1+ - WooCommerce 3.9.0+
List of changes between loge v1.7.0 (rev. 27623) and v1.7.1 (rev. 28391)
* REMOVED: Compatibility code for wp_body_open() in WordPress versions older than v5.2
M base/default-hooks.php
* UPDATED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.9.0
M woocommerce/single-product/related.php
* CHANGED: Theme version to 1.7.1
M languages/ci-theme.pot
M style.css
M style.min.css
M style.scss
1.7.0 - November 4, 2019
Compatibility: WordPress 5.2.3+ - WooCommerce 3.7.1+
List of changes between loge v1.6.1 (rev. 26941) and v1.7.0 (rev. 27623)
* ADDED: Global typography options.
A base/class-ci-theme-customizer-css-generator.php
A base/customizer/generated-styles
A base/customizer/generated-styles/global.php
A base/customizer/preview
A base/customizer/preview/global.js
A base/customizer/preview/preview.css
A base/customizer/preview/preview.js
A base/customizer/preview/preview.min.css
A base/customizer/preview/preview.scss
A base/customizer/sections
A base/customizer/sections/site-identity.php
A base/customizer/sections/theme-archive-options.php
A base/customizer/sections/theme-colors-footer.php
A base/customizer/sections/theme-colors-global.php
A base/customizer/sections/theme-colors-header-top-bar.php
A base/customizer/sections/theme-colors-hero.php
A base/customizer/sections/theme-colors-primary-menu-bar.php
A base/customizer/sections/theme-colors-sidebar.php
A base/customizer/sections/theme-footer-bottom-bar.php
A base/customizer/sections/theme-footer-style.php
A base/customizer/sections/theme-header-primary-menu.php
A base/customizer/sections/theme-header-style.php
A base/customizer/sections/theme-header-top-bar.php
A base/customizer/sections/theme-other-sample-content.php
A base/customizer/sections/theme-post-options.php
A base/customizer/sections/theme-social.php
A base/customizer/sections/theme-titles-general.php
A base/customizer/sections/theme-titles-post.php
A base/customizer/sections/theme-typography-content.php
A base/customizer/sections/theme-typography-widgets.php
D base/customizer/site-identity.php
D base/customizer/theme-archive-options.php
D base/customizer/theme-colors-footer.php
D base/customizer/theme-colors-global.php
D base/customizer/theme-colors-header-top-bar.php
D base/customizer/theme-colors-hero.php
D base/customizer/theme-colors-primary-menu-bar.php
D base/customizer/theme-colors-sidebar.php
D base/customizer/theme-footer-bottom-bar.php
D base/customizer/theme-footer-style.php
D base/customizer/theme-header-primary-menu.php
D base/customizer/theme-header-style.php
D base/customizer/theme-header-top-bar.php
D base/customizer/theme-other-sample-content.php
D base/customizer/theme-post-options.php
D base/customizer/theme-social.php
D base/customizer/theme-titles-general.php
D base/customizer/theme-titles-post.php
D base/customizer/theme-typography-content.php
D base/customizer/theme-typography-widgets.php
A base/customizer-controls/style.css
A base/customizer-controls/style.min.css
A base/customizer-controls/style.scss
A base/customizer-controls/typography
A base/customizer-controls/typography/_style.scss
A base/customizer-controls/typography/customizer.js
A base/customizer-controls/typography/typography.php
M base/customizer-partial-callbacks.php
M base/customizer-styles.php
M base/customizer.php
M base/functions.php
A base/generated-styles.php
M base/sanitization.php
A css/typography-default.css
A css/typography-default.min.css
A css/typography-default.scss
A css/typography-gfont.css
A css/typography-gfont.min.css
A css/typography-gfont.scss
M functions.php
M ignitefile.js
A inc/class-fonts-list.php
M inc/customizer-styles.php
A inc/fonts.json
* ADDED: Required stylesheets for the new typography controls
A base/customizer-controls/alpha-color-picker/alpha-color-picker.min.css
M css/inc/_ci-base.scss
M css/inc/_ecommerce.scss
M css/inc/_variables.scss
M css/typography-default.css
M css/typography-default.min.css
M css/typography-default.scss
M css/typography-gfont.css
M css/typography-gfont.min.css
M css/typography-gfont.scss
M style.css
M style.min.css
* UPDATED: Language files
* CHANGED: Theme version to 1.7.0
M languages/ci-theme.pot
M style.css
M style.min.css
M style.scss
1.6.1 - September 3, 2019
Compatibility: WordPress 5.2.1+ - WooCommerce
List of changes between loge v1.6 (rev. 26574) and v1.6.1 (rev. 26941)
* UPDATED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.7.0
* FIXED: Typo in element subtitle label
M inc/elementor/ci-theme-post-type-items.php
M inc/elementor/ci-theme-element.php
M inc/elementor/ci-theme-latest-post-type.php
M inc/elementor/ci-theme-product-category.php
M woocommerce/cart/mini-cart.php
* UPDATED: Language files
* CHANGED: Theme version to 1.6.1
M languages/ci-theme.pot
M style.css
M style.min.css
M style.scss
1.6 - July 8, 2019
Compatibility: WordPress 5.2.1+ - WooCommerce 3.6.5+
List of changes between loge v1.5 (rev. 25317) and v1.6 (rev. 26574)
* FIXED: A bug would cause ci_theme_hex2rgba() to return rgb() instead of rgba() values, when passed a valid opacity number.
M base/functions.php
* ADDED: Call to wp_body_open() (since WP v5.2)
* ADDED: Conditionally declare wp_body_open() if it doesn't exist, for back-compat with earlier WP versions (pre v5.2)
M base/default-hooks.php
M header.php
* REMOVED: Google+ Social Icon
* ADDED: Telegram Social Icon
M base/functions.php
* ADDED: Customizer default colors
M base/customizer/theme-colors-footer.php
M base/customizer/theme-colors-global.php
M base/customizer/theme-colors-header-top-bar.php
M base/customizer/theme-colors-primary-menu-bar.php
M base/customizer/theme-colors-sidebar.php
* UPDATED: Existing Elementor elements
* ADDED: Loge Element
M css/inc/_external.scss
M functions.php
A inc/elementor
A inc/elementor/ci-theme-element.php
A inc/elementor/ci-theme-latest-post-type.php
A inc/elementor/ci-theme-post-type-items.php
A inc/elementor/ci-theme-product-category.php
A inc/elementor/elementor.php
A inc/elementor/inc
A inc/elementor/inc/ci-theme-element-common-functions.php
A inc/elementor/inc/ci-theme-element-posts-group-control.php
A inc/elementor/inc/elementor-helper.php
D inc/elements.php
M style.css
* FIXED: WooCommerce product gallery thumbnails are no longer square
M inc/woocommerce.php
* FIXED: Force term recount after import.
M functions.php
* FIXED: Wording on social links checkbox.
M base/customizer/theme-social.php
* FIXED: Links to CSSIgniter.
M base/template-tags.php
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/ci-theme-plugin.php
M style.scss
* UPDATED: Fontawesome 5
* CHANGED: Fontawesome 5 icons are now used throughout the theme. Back-compat has been provided for user-defined icons in the Contact widget.
A base/assets/vendor/fontawesome/css/all.css
A base/assets/vendor/fontawesome/css/all.min.css
D base/assets/vendor/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.css
D base/assets/vendor/fontawesome/fonts
A base/assets/vendor/fontawesome/webfonts
A base/assets/vendor/fontawesome/webfonts/fa-brands-400.eot
A base/assets/vendor/fontawesome/webfonts/fa-brands-400.svg
A base/assets/vendor/fontawesome/webfonts/fa-brands-400.ttf
A base/assets/vendor/fontawesome/webfonts/fa-brands-400.woff
A base/assets/vendor/fontawesome/webfonts/fa-brands-400.woff2
A base/assets/vendor/fontawesome/webfonts/fa-regular-400.eot
A base/assets/vendor/fontawesome/webfonts/fa-regular-400.svg
A base/assets/vendor/fontawesome/webfonts/fa-regular-400.ttf
A base/assets/vendor/fontawesome/webfonts/fa-regular-400.woff
A base/assets/vendor/fontawesome/webfonts/fa-regular-400.woff2
A base/assets/vendor/fontawesome/webfonts/fa-solid-900.eot
A base/assets/vendor/fontawesome/webfonts/fa-solid-900.svg
A base/assets/vendor/fontawesome/webfonts/fa-solid-900.ttf
A base/assets/vendor/fontawesome/webfonts/fa-solid-900.woff
A base/assets/vendor/fontawesome/webfonts/fa-solid-900.woff2
M base/functions.php
M base/template-tags.php
M base/widgets/contact.php
M css/inc/_ci-base.scss
M css/inc/_comments.scss
M css/inc/_ecommerce.scss
M css/inc/_navigation.scss
M css/inc/_variables.scss
M css/inc/mixins/_mixins.scss
M functions.php
A inc/class-cssigniter-fontawesome-convert-4-to-5.php
M inc/woocommerce.php
M js/scripts.js
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/shortcodes.php
M searchform.php
M style.css
M style.min.css
M woocommerce/product-searchform.php
* FIXED: Don't output containers if no posts are found on the 404 page.
M 404.php
* CHANGED: Refactored parameters of wp_link_pages() calls by filtering 'wp_link_pages_args'.
M functions.php
M page.php
M single.php
* FIXED: Formatting, coding standards, some output escapes.
M base/customizer.php
M base/default-hooks.php
M base/functions.php
M base/items-listing.php
M base/sanitization.php
M base/template-tags.php
M inc/customizer.php
M inc/elementor/ci-theme-element.php
M inc/elementor/ci-theme-post-type-items.php
M inc/elementor/ci-theme-product-category.php
M inc/elementor/elementor.php
M inc/elementor/inc/elementor-helper.php
M inc/widgets/home-instagram.php
M inc/widgets/home-latest-post-type.php
M inc/widgets/home-newsletter.php
M inc/widgets/home-post-type-items.php
M inc/widgets/home-wc-product-category.php
M inc/woocommerce.php
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/base/items-listing.php
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/base/post-meta-hero.php
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/base/post-meta-sidebar.php
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/base/post-meta-title-subtitle.php
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/base/post-meta.php
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/base/sanitization.php
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/custom-fields-page.php
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/shortcodes.php
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/user-meta.php
M template-parts/article-none.php
* FIXED: Formatting, coding standards, translator comments, methods visibility.
M base/customizer/site-identity.php
M base/customizer/theme-colors-primary-menu-bar.php
M base/customizer/theme-footer-bottom-bar.php
M base/customizer/theme-footer-style.php
M base/customizer/theme-header-top-bar.php
M base/widgets/contact.php
M base/widgets/latest-post-type.php
M base/widgets/schedule.php
M base/widgets/socials.php
* FIXED: Select image button of Newsletter widget, wasn't positioned correctly.
M css/admin/widgets.css
M css/admin/widgets.min.css
M css/admin/widgets.scss
M inc/widgets/home-newsletter.php
* FIXED: Improved behavior of widgets in the customizer.
D base/assets/css/repeating-fields.css
D base/assets/css/repeating-fields.scss
D base/assets/js/repeating-fields.js
M base/assets/vendor/alpha-color-picker/alpha-color-picker.css
M base/assets/vendor/alpha-color-picker/alpha-color-picker.js
A base/assets/vendor/repeating-fields
A base/assets/vendor/repeating-fields/repeating-fields.css
A base/assets/vendor/repeating-fields/repeating-fields.js
A base/assets/vendor/repeating-fields/repeating-fields.min.css
A base/assets/vendor/repeating-fields/repeating-fields.scss
M base/functions.php
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/base/assets/vendor/alpha-color-picker/alpha-color-picker.css
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/base/assets/vendor/alpha-color-picker/alpha-color-picker.js
* CHANGED: Scripts/styles version numbers now follow the theme's version unless WP_DEBUG or SCRIPT_DEBUG are enabled, for easier cache busting.
M base/customizer.php
M base/default-hooks.php
M base/functions.php
M functions.php
M inc/customizer.php
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/base/helpers.php
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/ci-theme-plugin.php
* FIXED: The theme now uses get_theme_file_uri() and get_theme_file_path() were possible, for easier child theme overriding.
M base/customizer.php
M base/default-hooks.php
M base/functions.php
M functions.php
M inc/customizer.php
M inc/woocommerce.php
* UPDATED: Restyle woo rating stars to be gold (WooCommerce)
* FIXED: Various alignment / styling fixes on all shop pages (WooCommerce)
* UPDATED: Update shop widget styling (especially dropdowns/filters) (WooCommerce)
* ADDED: Add lightbox on all widget images
* UPDATED: Changed how button styling works, <button> elements will not be styled by the theme’s button styles by default, only submit <button>s will.
* UPDATED: Changed logo HTML tag into a <div> (from <h1>
* UPDATED: Added styles for WP page menus (active/hover)
M base/assets/js/magnific-init.js
M base/template-tags.php
M comments.php
M css/inc/_ci-base.scss
M css/inc/_comments.scss
M css/inc/_ecommerce.scss
M css/inc/_external.scss
M css/inc/_header.scss
M css/inc/_modules.scss
M css/inc/_navigation.scss
M style.css
M style.min.css
* UPDATED: Make post pagination current item stand out
M base/assets/js/customizer-preview.js
M base/customizer-styles.php
M css/inc/_modules.scss
M inc/customizer-styles.php
M style.css
M style.min.css
* CHANGED: Added helpful main menu fallback.
M base/functions.php
M base/template-tags.php
M functions.php
* FIXED: Fix header on background customizer color settings (top bar / header)
M base/customizer-styles.php
* ADDED: Add add to cart buttons in shop product listings
M css/inc/_ecommerce.scss
M css/inc/_modules.scss
M inc/woocommerce.php
M style.css
M style.min.css
M woocommerce/content-product.php
* ADDED: Add add to cart buttons in product widgets
M template-parts/widgets/home-item-product.php
* FIXED: Mini cart shortcode now gets updated when a product is added to cart from a products' listing screen.
M inc/woocommerce.php
* Updated language files.
* Changed plugin version to 1.1
* Changed theme version to 1.6
M functions.php
M languages/ci-theme.pot
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/ci-theme-plugin.php
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/languages/ci-theme-plugin.pot
M style.css
M style.min.css
M style.scss
1.5 - May 8, 2019
Compatibility: WordPress 5.1+ - WooCommerce 3.6.2+
List of changes between loge v1.4.1 (rev. 24587) and v1.5 (rev. 25317)
* FIXED: A change event is now triggered when a repeating field item is removed.
M base/assets/js/repeating-fields.js
* UPDATED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.6.x
M woocommerce/content-product.php
M woocommerce/content-single-product.php
M woocommerce/global/quantity-input.php
* UPDATED: Language Files
* CHANGED: Theme version to 1.5
A css/admin/widgets.min.css
A css/base.min.css
A css/mmenu.min.css
M languages/ci-theme.pot
M style.css
A style.min.css
M style.scss
1.4.1 - February 27, 2019
Compatibility: WordPress 5.0+ - WooCommerce 3.5.5+
List of changes between loge v1.4 (rev. 23810) and v1.4.1 (rev. 24587)
* UPDATED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.5.5
M woocommerce/content-widget-product.php
* FIXED: Metaboxes bound to specific post formats (if any), wouldn't appear on initial page load inside the new block editor.
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/base/post-meta.php
* Changed plugin version to 1.0.3
* Changed theme version to 1.4.1
M functions.php
M languages/ci-theme.pot
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/ci-theme-plugin.php
M style.css
M style.scss
1.4 - December 7, 2018
Compatibility: WordPress 4.9+ - WooCommerce 3.5.2+
List of changes between loge v1.3.1 (rev. 23055) and v1.4 (rev. 23810)
* FIXED: Page template-bound metaboxes, wouldn't behave correctly in Gutenberg mode (where applicable).
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/base/post-meta.php
* FIXED: Post format-bound metaboxes (where applicable) now work properly with Gutenberg.
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/base/post-meta.php
* CHANGED: "Hide featured image" checkbox that appeared in posts/pages/custom post types (where applicable), now appears as its own metabox, to maintain compatibility with Gutenberg.
M base/functions.php
* FIXED: Admin notice regarding the sample content, wouldn't persist its state when dismissed from within the block editor.
M base/assets/js/sample-content.js
M base/default-hooks.php
* UPDATED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.5.2
M woocommerce/content-widget-product.php
* Updated language files.
* Changed plugin version to 1.0.2
* Changed theme version to 1.4
M languages/ci-theme.pot
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/ci-theme-plugin.php
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/languages/ci-theme-plugin.pot
M style.css
M style.scss
1.3.1 - October 30, 2018
Compatibility: WordPress 4.9.7+ - WooCommerce 3.5+
List of changes between loge v1.3 (rev. 21676) and v1.3.1 (rev. 23055)
* FIXED: Some loge_plugin_* functions were improperly placed in the theme instead of the plugin, leading to a fatal error if only the plugin was enabled.
M functions.php
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/ci-theme-plugin.php
* UPDATED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.5.0
M woocommerce/cart/mini-cart.php
M woocommerce/content-widget-product.php
* ADDED: Add styles for Gutenberg blocks
A common
A common/common.php
A common/css
A common/css/global.css
A common/css/global.scss
A common/css/inc
A common/css/inc/_gutenberg.scss
M functions.php
* Updated language files.
* Changed theme version to 1.3.1
* Changed plugin version to 1.0.1
M css/base.css
M functions.php
M languages/ci-theme.pot
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/ci-theme-plugin.php
M plugins/ci-theme-plugin/languages/ci-theme-plugin.pot
M style.css
M style.scss
1.3 - May 31, 2018
Compatibility: WordPress 4.8+ - WooCommerce 3.4.1+
List of changes between loge v1.2 (rev. 21245) and v1.3 (rev. 21676)
* UPDATED: Compatibility for WooCommerce 3.4.0
M css/inc/_ecommerce.scss
M style.css
M woocommerce/archive-product.php
M woocommerce/content-product.php
M woocommerce/content-single-product.php
M woocommerce/global/quantity-input.php
* FIXED: comment consent checkbox styling
* FIXED: sticky menu issues on chrome & mobiles
M css/inc/_comments.scss
M css/inc/_header.scss
M functions.php
M js/jquery.sticky-kit.min.js
M style.css
* changed version to 1.3
M style.css
M style.scss
1.2 - March 21, 2018
Compatibility: WordPress 4.8+ - WooCommerce 3.3.4+
List of changes between loge v1.1 (rev. 21100) and v1.2 (rev. 21245)
* ADDED: Option to display cart info on the menu
M css/inc/_navigation.scss
M functions.php
M inc/customizer.php
M inc/woocommerce.php
M style.css
* updated language files
* changed version to 1.2
M languages/ci-theme.pot
M style.css
M style.scss
1.1 - February 23, 2018
Compatibility: WordPress 4.8+ - WooCommerce 3.3.3+ - MaxSlider 1.1.6+
List of changes between loge v1.0 (rev. 20596) and v1.1 (rev. 21100)
* FIXED: Remove outlines from certain elements (firefox fixes)
M css/inc/_ecommerce.scss
M css/inc/_hero.scss
M style.css
* FIXED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.3.x
M css/inc/_ecommerce.scss
M style.css
M woocommerce/archive-product.php
M woocommerce/cart/mini-cart.php
M woocommerce/content-widget-product.php
M woocommerce/global/quantity-input.php
M woocommerce/global/wrapper-end.php
M woocommerce/global/wrapper-start.php
M woocommerce/loop/loop-start.php
M woocommerce/product-searchform.php
* FIXED: WooCommerce image size declaration
M inc/woocommerce.php
* FIXED: merged WooCommerce customizer settings
M inc/customizer.php
* Updated lang file.
* Changed version to 1.1
M languages/ci-theme.pot
M style.css
M style.scss
1.0 - December 19, 2017
Compatibility: WordPress 4.8+ - WooCommerce 3.2.6+ - MaxSlider 1.1.5+
Initial release